Try this CrossFit Workout at Home

CrossFit Workout at Home

My husband and I just committed to a brand new at-home workout program that is crossfit-style. If you have ever wanted to do a CrossFit Workout at Home consistently, this 3 week program may be a great fit for you!! 

Why do a crossfit workout at home?? 

We’re half way through 2020 (the craziest year I’ve probably ever lived in all my 31 years) and I have no doubt the second half of this year will be better than the first. Not necessarily by chance (cause life will still happen) but by CHOICE! 

For my husband, JD, and I we choose to stay fit and healthy by doing our workouts at home. The newest workout program we have committed to is a crossfit style workout that is never longer than 40 minutes. All you need is a little bit of space (garage, basement, office, living room), some dumbbells and a cordless jump rope so space isn’t an issue.

As a mom of 4, working out at home makes everything in my life so much easier!! I also understand how hard it can be to say YES to yourself and make the time to workout. I’ve learned that there are so many reasons WHY we can’t workout (I don’t even need to list them here because you already know them!). But the way I see it, is all of those reasons can be the EXACT reasons WHY we need to workout. 

Here’s what I mean… 

?? I’m too busy to move my body. Exactly why your body needs the movement.
??My kids won’t ever let me have workout time. Exactly why they need to see YOU set the example and have some YOU time. 
??My body is too out of shape/overweight/old to workout anymore. Exactly why your body needs some gentle movement! 

You see what I mean?? Any ‘excuse’ can also be a reason why if you just shift your perspective on it! 

And for me, working out at home takes less time and thought. I just wake up and hit play on my Roku. And in 25-40 minutes my workout is done for the day and I never have to think about it again! 

Check out my blog on how to prep your at-home workout space here

New CrossFit Style at-home Workout Program 

So this new 3 week at-home workout I just started on July 7th is called #MBF Muscle Burns Fat. There is a workout everyday for 21 days, with a recovery day each week. The workouts are crossfit style and get the blood pumping!! The whole concept behind this workout is to build muscle, so your body can burn more fat. 

If you’re looking to lower your overall body fat AND open to working out at home,  this program may be a perfect fit for you!! Along with the workouts we are making sure our nutrition is also in alignment with our goals of building muscle and lowering body fat.

Check out the free 30 minute sample workout here:

Work with me as your virtual wellness coach

If you wanna lock arms and get a rock solid workout routine and nutrition habits in place, let’s do it together! As a Team Beachbody coach, I am committed to helping more women (and men) achieve their goals and learn how to create a healthy lifestyle! No better time to become your healthiest, happiest, most confident self!

To get the info about this program and work with me as your virtual coach for the long haul, go here. 

I’ve been working out from home for almost 10 years and coaching women to create healthy habits for 7 of those years, so I’ve considered and seen all the things! I’d love for you to be my next client and become a lifetime member of my Virtual Gym Community!!! 

When you commit to this CrossFit style at home workout program [#MBF Muscle Burns Fat] you will also get a lifetime membership to my Virtual Gym!!! 

If you have any questions or want to contact me directly, please email me at [email protected].

Micah Folsom

Hi, I’m Micah!

Wife to a cattle rancher and homeschool mom to our 6 kids on our small farm in Southeast Idaho.

I’m a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values, letting our heart tugs pave the way for us to live out our fullest potential and be the light we’re meant to be.

micah faster way

FASTer Way!

FASTer Way to Fat Loss is the only program with a clinically proven app to help you burn fat, and build muscle in just six weeks.

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