Reset in 21 Days with the Ultimate Reset

The Ultimate Reset Beachbody

The Ultimate Reset is a 21 day program designed to reset, cleanse and gently detox your body from the inside out. I think it’s important to note that this program is focused on the insides, not the outside. Yes, one of the benefits will be weight loss when you commit to The Ultimate Reset, but that is not the only reason we choose to cleanse, detox and reset. 

This is more than just a cleanse. Instead, it’s a 21-day process of eliminating certain foods and toxins from your diet, cleaning up your system, relaxing the nervous system, removing coffee and caffeine, and providing antioxidant support for the immune system. It’s not designed to be easy. It’s designed to work. 

Why I Love The Ultimate Reset 

  • The focus is all on nutrition and nutrition is where I tend to get lax. The Reset is a go all in kind of program. It’s a full commitment to what food you are putting in your body for 21 days. 
  • I detach myself from bad habits. The Reset is a mental commitment that RESETS not only your insides, but also your habits! I feel so good letting go of ‘bad’ habits when it comes to eating that I thought I could not live without. 
  • This program takes out all the guesswork with the nutritionals and what to eat. You are given an EXACT plan to follow. There are guidelines and rules to follow if you’d like to substitute certain foods (which I do) but they are not hard to follow and commit to! 
  • My body gets to take a break from workouts.  Taking a break from workouts is hard for me BUT it’s so nice for my body to take a break and heal up.
  • This program forces me to find new ways to self care. My workout is also such an emotional relief for me, so without it, I have to find self care in other ways. The reset allows me to take more walks in nature, do yoga, take a bath. It teaches me how to self care and process my emotions without exercise or food. It’s a great teacher for me because when I don’t have the tools I normally lean on, I can expand and find new ways to cope and process. It’s a beautiful learning experience for me.  

Do The Ultimate Reset with me every 6 months!

I do it every 6 months because of the ebbs and flows of life. Doing this program every six months feels like a good flow for me. I do it once in late Spring (May or June) and in mid Fall (October or November). I like to go into the Holidays feeling good with SOLID habits. I also like to go into Summer feeling confident in my swimsuit and confident in my habits. The Reset really helps me dial in my habits for the next 5 months ahead.

You can join me doing the Reset twice a year! Our next round with the Support Community is in Fall 2020.

The Ultimate Reset Beachbody

What You Can Expect in 21 Days.. 

  1. Help your body’s detoxification process*
  2. Help you lose weight safely*
  3. Help improve energy*
  4. Help improve key measures of good health*
  5. Help support regularity*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

What’s included with your Ultimate Reset Purchase? 

1. Supplements 

Power Greens. Includes kale, matcha, cucumber, celery, spinach and chlorella.
Optimize. A proprietary enzyme blend and camu-camu
Soothe.  aloe vera and turmeric to support digestive health and stress.
Mineralize. Formulated with pink Himalayan salt
Detox. This is your gentle colon cleanse which has Chia, Flax and Turmeric in it.
Revitalize. Probiotics and prebiotics

2. Meal Plan & Recipes 

3. Support Community hosted by Micah Folsom twice per year. Join us once a year or twice a year!

4. Shakeology. I am grateful Shakeology is allowed on the Reset because for me, it keeps the 21 days feeling pretty normal since I drink it every day already so I have mine each day for my afternoon snack and also keep it as a plan B option if life gets crazy and I don’t have a reset meal available so I can stay on track! You have to choose a vegan formula for the Reset. My favorite is the Vanilla vegan, but we have 3 other vegan flavors to choose from (Cafe Latte, Tropical Strawberry and Chocolate) 

Choose Your Ultimate Reset Pack

The Ultimate Reset Refill Kit [$179] – includes all listed above minus the meal plan and Shakeology. This is for anyone who has already done the Reset in the past. It essentially refills your supplements and won’t include the how to book and info!

The Ultimate Reset Complete Kit [$199] – includes all listed above along with the full info book minus the Shakeology. 

The Ultimate Reset Challenge Pack [$275] – includes all listed above. Get Shakeology for $75 in this pack, compared to the retail price of $130. 

The Ultimate Reset Dual Kit [$350] – This is for 2 people, so perfect if you’d like to do it with your spouse. This kit includes all listed above times 2, minus the Shakeology. 

The Ultimate Reset Complete Kit with Coach Discount [$150] – includes all listed above minus the Shakeology and only available to Team Beachbody Coaches. 

The Ultimate Reset Beachbody

In order to join my Support Community, you’ll need to make sure I am listed as your Team Beachbody Coach. If you are ready to Reset, please apply here so I can help you find the best pack for you!

Questions about the Reset? Just email me at [email protected] 

If you wanna learn more about the phsaes of the Reset, what food we eat and how you would prep for it, check out this blog post.

Micah Folsom

Hi, I’m Micah!

Wife to a cattle rancher and homeschool mom to our 6 kids on our small farm in Southeast Idaho.

I’m a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values, letting our heart tugs pave the way for us to live out our fullest potential and be the light we’re meant to be.

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