My PostPartum Philosophy

After having 6 babies and going through 6 different postpartum journey’s, I get asked all the time….how do you keep making such a healthy and vibrant ‘comeback’ after each baby? So, I’d love to share my postpartum philosophy with you that has worked for me every time!

It takes 10 months to grow a baby

First thing I accept and remind myself of over and over after giving birth is that it takes 10 months to grow a baby. That way, I don’t expect to feel ‘back to normal’ any sooner than that in postpartum! It takes time heal and recover. It takes time to build back strength. It takes time to lose the extra weight. It takes time for skin to tighten. All the things take time so trying to rush any of those things will only cause frustration! 🤪

Loving our bodies through every season

As we focus on eating with purpose – moving with purpose – sleeping as much as we can – hydrating with purpose – and loving our bodies through every season however long it takes for changes to happen….. changes WILL happen.🫶🏻

Get Healthy and Stay Healthy

And my journey to ‘comeback’ doesn’t stop after my body is feeling back to ‘normal’. Being healthy is a journey that I’ll be continuing always! I change my habits and strictness based on my goals and seasons, but I am always making my health a priority. And that’s because my goal is not just about losing weight or looking a certain way, it’s always about how I feel. And when I take time to prioritize my health by moving my body and fueling it with the proper nutrition, I feel my best!

Let’s Journey Together

One thing I’ve always found helpful, especially during postpartum is surrounding myself with other people who have similar goals and interests as me. It'[s important that I have people in my life who are supportive of my goals vs. always bringing me down because of them. Thats why I created a virtual community for mama’s who want to get healthy and stay healthy!

If you ever wanna join me on my journey, I’d love to get healthy and stay healthy together! 👯‍♀️ Get all the information about my Get Fit for Life Virtual Gym Community by entering your name and email here and I’ll send you all the details!

Micah Folsom

Hi, I’m Micah!

Wife to a cattle rancher and homeschool mom to our 6 kids on our small farm in Southeast Idaho.

I’m a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values, letting our heart tugs pave the way for us to live out our fullest potential and be the light we’re meant to be.

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FASTer Way!

FASTer Way to Fat Loss is the only program with a clinically proven app to help you burn fat, and build muscle in just six weeks.

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