Creating Alignment in Your Business

alignment in business

PART 1: Identify Your Resistance

There is a big difference in running a business with constant friction (resistance) and running a business that is seamless (alignment). That may be obvious, but can you identify the differences in your own business? Do you know what parts of your business that feel resistant? Do you know what parts of your business that feel cohesive? This is an essential part of taking your business to YOUR next level of success. And when your business steps up, so does your life.

Because guess what you can’t do? You can’t show up and hate the process and expect yourself to continue to show up. You can’t feel resistance every freaking day and expect yourself to push through without eventually burning out.

You must identify the places where you feel resistance and work those kinks out. The future of your business and your life depend on it! When you can identify your resistance, you get to work on how to shift it and figure out how to do those things in a way that you love, in a way that brings joy and brings fulfillment and lights your soul up.

PART 2: Your Resistance Transfers

Have you ever watched an entrepreneur you admire, taking note of how they do things and think….”I should do that too! If it works for them, it can work for me.” So you start to do those activities just like they do them, you check all the boxes and follow their plan, only to find that those activities aren’t aligned with YOU because you feel resistance while you’re doing them. You know it’s off, but you push yourself anyways, continuing to do something that doesn’t feel aligned.

And here’s why that’s a red flag 🚩 If you’re not feeling joy with something in your business, whether it’s the group that you’re running for customers or the way that you’re mentoring your team or how you’re expanding your network and connecting with new people, I can promise that your people feel that too.

Your resistance transfers. The strategy, the social media training, the implementation, the recruiting, the leadership…. none of those matter if you’re operating from a place of resistance. You’ve gotta figure out how to do those things in a way that you love, in a way that brings joy and brings fulfillment and lights your soul up.

PART 3: From Resistance to Alignment

So, how do we get out of resistance and into alignment? We tackle the foundation first, based on the goals you wanna hit and your current season life.When you have the RIGHT foundation you will have more success while working less hours because you’re working smarter not harder.

1️⃣ Know where you are (current season of life)
2️⃣ Know where you wanna go (goals)
3️⃣ Make a solid plan that brings both of those things into alignment (aligned action)

This is a practice I do as the seasons of my life change. Otherwise, I’ll be fighting with myself and feeling resistance in all that I do. I have to be willing to pause, reflect and course correct. And that pause may feel unproductive, but just think how good it feels after you organize your kitchen or clean your closet. Same applies to your business practices and systems.

You invest NOW for a future outcome that you know will make things run more smoothly, efficiently and filled with joy. And when you do this year after year, the compound effect takes hold 📈 creating such a beautiful progression. Not every seasons will have you in phase one and that’s OKAY. You can do your IPAs (income producing activities) in a way that aligns with where you’re at in business and life.

Ignite Your Life with each current season of your life

There are many different ways to grow and scale your business at whatever pace works for you and that’s what I teach you inside my course, Ignite Your Life. Ignite Your Life offers many ideas and strategies on how you can uplevel. For example, my email marketing strategy may not be in the cards for you this year, but by going through my course it plants a seed for implementing in future seasons of life and business.

Ignite Your Life is not just a course you take once, it’s designed for you to go through it once a year or as often as you need. As business owners, we all need to take time to PAUSE and re-Ignite our lives, myself included. This is why I created ​Ignite Your Life​! To help you find alignment in your business and in your life. To help you learn how to pause, reflect and course correct, SO THAT you’re growing your business while never sacrificing what matters most.

​​The Ignite Your Life course is the EXACT blueprint​ I’ve used to grow my business for the last 10 years with 10 consecutive years as an Elite leader, 120 months in my company’s monthly success program and most importantly building a legacy business WHILE raising my family, homeschooling, opening the beef business AND never burning out or losing my fire for this business. ⚡️

So yes, I’m going to show you how I do things, but I’m also going to teach you the structure of how to create business systems, routines, and IPAs that are aligned with your core beliefs and current season of life. Together we will create absolute alignment in your business, so that you can influence and inspire the RIGHT people to join your team and mission. SO, if you’ve been watching from the sidelines waiting for the perfect time to join the Ignite Your Life Family, NOW IS THE TIME!!

Join the Ignite Your Life Family Now >>>

Micah Folsom

Hi, I’m Micah!

Wife to a cattle rancher and homeschool mom to our 6 kids on our small farm in Southeast Idaho.

I’m a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values, letting our heart tugs pave the way for us to live out our fullest potential and be the light we’re meant to be.

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