Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe (using Shakeology)

Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe

I made this AMAZING dessert the other day that I know you will love and will absolutely curb your afternoon or after dinner sweet tooth, WITHOUT sabotaging your goals!!! This chocolate mug cake recipe is super special because it uses 30+ superfoods! But don’t worry, there are only 6 required ingredients. Intrigued? Keep reading! 

The Super Special Secret Ingredient 

It only has 6 ingredients because one of the ingredients is Shakeology, a powerful ‘meal replacement’ powder. 

Shakeology is packed with 30+ superfoods and over 70 natural ingredients that can help your body eliminate toxins (to increase energy), boost your immune system, aid you in weight loss, help you go to the bathroom more regularly, and curb your sweet tooth!*

Darin Olien

These incredible superfoods packed within one powder are sourced from around the world, supporting small villages, by Shakeology creator, Darin Olien. If you don’t know Darin, check him out on Netflix’s new show… Down to Earth (which is hosted by Zac Efron and Darin Olien, the creator of Shakeology!) or grab a copy of his book, SuperLife

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Micah Folsom

Hi, I’m Micah!

Wife to a cattle rancher and homeschool mom to our 6 kids on our small farm in Southeast Idaho.

I’m a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values, letting our heart tugs pave the way for us to live out our fullest potential and be the light we’re meant to be.

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FASTer Way!

FASTer Way to Fat Loss is the only program with a clinically proven app to help you burn fat, and build muscle in just six weeks.

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