Sparking JOY Every Day with James Stanley

Sparking JOY Every Day with James Stanley

Powered by RedCircle On this week’s episode, I have guest James Stanley, an architect who found his spark after years of little direction. Now James inspires others to dig deep to find their own joy, peace, and calm. James and I chat about internal redirection and the...
Magnetic Success Formula with Brad Bizjack

Magnetic Success Formula with Brad Bizjack

Powered by RedCircle In this episode, I have one of my favorite guests back on the show! His name is Brad Bizjack and he is not only my personal mindset coach and mentor, he is a mastermind that helps hundreds of people around the world rewire their minds for personal...
Solo Pep Talk: What ACTUALLY Motivates You?

Solo Pep Talk: What ACTUALLY Motivates You?

Powered by RedCircle In this episode, I really wanted to dig into what truly motivates you and the commitment you need to keep with yourself to make your dreams come to fruition. Allowing yourself to dream big means being ready to take on the things that are in your...
Clarity & Urgency to Light Your Goals Up with Micah Folsom

Clarity & Urgency to Light Your Goals Up with Micah Folsom

Powered by RedCircle In this episode, I sit down for a personal chat about goals and how to put them at the top of your priorities. It’s easy to let goals flutter to the back of the list and let them lose their magic. But if they are that important to you, you have to...

Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

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