Solo: The One Daily Question to Keep You Connected to Your Goals with Micah Folsom

July 7, 2022

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Today we are going to dig into UN-learning some of your habits and hopefully get some clarity on how you can course correct those habits to align with your goals. This conversation is applicable to health, business and the journey of growing through life. I share one daily question that makes it so simple to decide if those habits are actually worthwhile and moving you in the direction you want to go. 

Show Notes: 

01:10 Not Getting the Results You Want

I want you to think about any area of your life that you’re experiencing resistance or discomfort. If you’re not getting the results you want, something needs to shift. Otherwise, we experience burnout because we’re just going through the motions.   

03:00 Life is About Growth

We need to take some time to become aware of our habits in order to change them. This idea relates to both health and business. If we don’t shift things, then there’s no room for growth. I recommend tracking so that you have actual numbers to work with. 

07:18 Sometimes We Fall Back

As humans, it’s natural to fall back into what is easy and comfortable. But if you’re not happy with your results, dig into the hidden minutes in your day. You will likely find your results there. It will take some work, but it’s essential to take it to the next level. I give you a homework assignment to create clarity. 

11:38 The Daily Question

Having the time to self-reflect internally is so crucial. These little habits and course corrections can lead to an epic life. It’s not extravagant, it’s the little things. The number one question to ask yourself is “is this moving me closer to my goals, or is this moving me further away?”

14:00 Define Your Goal

You need to know what your goal is to find your direction and figure out how to align your habits to support it. When I see people struggling, there is often a disconnect between their vision and their habits. Once you define it, you can ask yourself that simple, daily question. It’s so easy!

16:40 Apply It

I encourage you to actually do this homework exercise, and once you do, please share with me how it helped you! 

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