Are You Letting Your Past Self Identity Define Your Future?

July 14, 2020

what is self-identity and what's normal
what is self-identity and what's normal
what is self-identity and what's normal

In this episode, I’m discussing self identities and the norms (or stories) we create for ourselves and how you can alter these to create a better lifestyle. How you self identify literally drives how you behave every day. And we all have those identities that  we define ourselves by (for me it’s my sweet tooth and introverted personality).

Learning how to shift these identities can help shape you into a better and more positive person while hitting your goals and achieving more faster.

Show Notes: 


A couple weeks ago, I had my dad come on to talk about Operation Underground Railroad. If you missed that interview, go back and give it a listen (link below). It’s not my typical life motivation and skill set theme, but that is so important for everyone to know and to be aware of.

OUR Episode Link: Operation Underground Railroad

Rebecca Bender’s Personal Human Trafficking


After finishing a cleanse (which I do twice per year), I always feel like I nix bad habits, and get out of a funk with food. After finishing my most recent reset, I want my norm to be eating well all the time.

We place identities on ourselves and act accordingly. Growing up, I was an athlete and could eat whatever I wanted. As I grew older, it started to catch up to me. Since then, it’s been an ongoing thing for me. If my nutrition is not on point, I don’t see results! But I’ve placed an identity on myself that I can be a yo-yo at times.

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Learn more about The Ulimtate Reset here


I want to raise awareness about the identities we place upon ourselves! For example, I am not a morning person, but I was never a “morning person”. I don’t feel like waking up early, but I force myself to roll out of bed.

The identities we place upon ourselves become our norm! But you don’t have to be stuck there forever.

Bob Proctor’s Thinking Into Results


How we identify ourselves literally drives how we behave every day. I’m shy and I’m introverted. I am naturally a homebody! Public speaking scares the crap out of me. If we’re at a party or at a gallery, I’m in the corner with my two besties. I am not mingling with everyone and I am not the life of the party. 

If I let those choices drive my behaviors every day, think about how much that would hold me back. I definitely wouldn’t show up on social media and share my life. 


What is in your life today that you have identified yourself as? And how can you shift that identity? If you’re struggling with your weight loss – maybe you’re like me and you’re like “maybe I have a sweet tooth?” But what if I stopped identifying as the girl with the sweet tooth?


While you’re thinking about the things that don’t serve you and the things that you can shift, I also want you to make sure you’re thinking about the positive identities and the things that you do want to stay in alignment with. 

Some examples include simplicity and consistency.

Shoot me a message on Instagram @MicahFolsomFit – I would like to hear some of the things that you want to shift! 

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Do Your Crap Spotify Podcast
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