One Simple Mindset Shift to Create Powerful Habits

September 21, 2020

one simple mindset shift
one simple mindset shift
one simple mindset shift

In this episode, I talk about the “all in, all out” mindset and how this simple mindset shift can transform the way you approach your habits, goals, vision. Whether it’s in how you approach your health, business, or family time – there is power in setting a bare minimum commitment to what you will achieve every single day.

Are there areas in your life where you’re trying to create habits and consistently but find yourself falling off? This episode is meant just for you!

Show Notes: 


I see this one thing over and over again and as I think about my life – it happens with me, too. This is the All In, All Out Mindset. This is when you go from 0-60 on a goal, project, opportunity, or health journey – stumbling – then going “all out”.

Are there areas in your life where you’re trying to create habits and consistently but find yourself falling into the all in, all out mindset. This is killing your progress and overall belief in yourself. If you just shift this one mindset and actually learn how to slow down (instead of quitting), you will prove to yourself that you can continue to show up for what you told yourself you would for.


I want you to create a bare minimum that you want to accomplish every single day. Commit to at least something because there is POWER in showing up and doing something in the area you’re trying to grow in.

What’s your nonnegotiable? Maybe it’s one serving of vegetables everyday or 10 minutes of moving your body. For your business, maybe you want to get one to two hours of focused business building time everyday. Creating a MINIMUM will change everything for you!


Your brain will reward you with energy and power because you will feel accomplished for following through on what you said you would do. And the next day – you will find a little bit more time. Action builds confidence!


Life gets so busy with school, sports, church activities and traveling and all the things that we all have!

In a perfect world, I’d love to have one on one time with each of my kids every single day. But sometimes that one on one time happens at a time as simple as driving to preschool. That’s often the BEST time to connect with our kids. How are you utilizing that empty space in your day to create connection?


This one gets put on the back burner a lot! What is the non negotiables in your morning routine? On a perfect morning, I listen to my affirmations, scriptures, personal development, gratitude, and fitness. It happens most of the time!

However, some mornings I sleep in, one of the kids is sick, but no matter what – we get our workout in. You need to identify in the habits you build the bare minimum for how you can show up in some capacity.

You don’t need to be 100% on everything you said you would do, but there is SO much power in the commitment to the habits and goals that are moving you forward in life. 

Are YOU clear on the habits that you have? If not, grab my free Simple Game Plan for Busy Moms as it will guide you to creating the perfect morning routine. 


Look at your days, weeks, goals, and habits – are you struggling? Is there somewhere that you can improve? Instead of being “all out” you can move forward just one baby step and stay committed to doing something.

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