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Simple Game Plan For Moms…

Designed By A Mom

“I’d love to really get fit and eat better, but how can I find the time with everything else on my plate?”

If you’ve ever asked that question, this was made for you!

There’s a secret to getting all-the-things done….and it’s not what you think!

It’s not about getting it all done, instead focusing on the most important things.

Hi! I’m Micah I’m a mom of 6 and I totally get it!

You’re seeking:

– More joy
– More self-appreciation
– More satisfaction
– More enthusiasm
– More achievements
– Improved health
– Stronger bonds

And that’s exactly why I’ve created a simple game plan for busy moms like you!

Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

The Free Game Plan Will Give You:

The Steps to Start Taking Care of Yourself

The Confidence to Stick to Your Goals

More Ease in Getting Started and Taking The First Step

New Solutions For Eating Healthy and Staying Fit

You’ll get a PDF workbook AND 8 videos (each under 5 min!) to walk you through each habit step-by-step!

Hi, I’m Micah!

Family of six in hospital room after birth of newest baby

As a mom of 6, I know first hand how hard it can be to make time for yourself. It can feel overwhelming and stressful – and the thought of making some changes seems distant and unrealistic.

But, I know deep down you feel that you are worth it and deserve that time for you! And the truth is, your entire family benefits when mom takes care of herself!

For the past 10 years, I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with hundreds of women around the world, helping them grow in every area of their life. I’ve heard all the struggles, the fears, the failures, the frustrations and the self destruction.

But even more so, I’ve heard about the wins, the triumphs, the goals hit, the new habits formed and have been able to witness the transformation that takes place when us moms get intentional about how we spend our days.

That’s why I created this Simple Game Plan. It’s the perfect place for you to get started – for you to take the first step. It’s yours for free, my gift to you!


© 2024 | Micah Folsom. All Rights Reserved.

Website designed and maintained with ❤️ and ☕ by JoLi Design Solutions.

Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

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Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

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Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

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