Magnetic Success Formula with Brad Bizjack

February 27, 2023

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In this episode, I have one of my favorite guests back on the show! His name is Brad Bizjack and he is not only my personal mindset coach and mentor, he is a mastermind that helps hundreds of people around the world rewire their minds for personal development and success. Brad and I talk about the pyramid steps of setting personal goals and the circle of alignment needed around those goals. 

Show Notes: 

04:34 Goals 

If you want to transform your life, you can’t live in the past. You have to have a grand vision for your life and it has to be something that gets you energized. Small goals don’t create success, big goals drive you and create transformation. Goals should be set to help you become a new person. 

13:28 Limiting Beliefs     

Another thing you have to do to see real transformation is to identify and shatter limiting beliefs that are hiding in your blind spots. You have to dig deep to understand what beliefs are holding you back and work to rewire your mind to break through them. It may be uncomfortable, but that’s the only way change can happen.    

18:38 The Quest       

In your transformation journey, you are going to have ups and downs. You have to regulate your emotional thermostat to yield the results you want. You’ll be challenged on mastering your emotions when you break through your limiting beliefs and start your quest toward your highly desired goals.         

23:52 Productivity      

You can have goals and break through your limiting beliefs, but it’s not going to get you anywhere unless you work for it. Start asking yourself what you want to achieve versus what you need to get done. Your actions will start to align with your goals and you’ll see an increase in your productivity. 

26:18 Fulfillment      

Achievement and fulfillment need to go hand in hand. You won’t find success if you are not fulfilled by what you’re doing. Identify what is going to make you feel the most fulfilled and aligned to hit your success sweet spot.  

31:21 People and Environments       

There are some things you need to make sure of in your life to help you on your road to success. You need to surround yourself with people who are going to motivate you to achieve your goals, get mentorship from someone for the moments that you get stuck, and put yourself in an environment that immerses you in things that align with your goals.  

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

Sign Up For Brad’s Class: 

Find Brad On Instagram: @bradbizjack

My Website:

Connect w/ me on Instagram: @lifeonfolsomfarm

Get Access to My Free Masterclass for Network Marketers – My 7 Figure Success Secrets:

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Work w/ Me on your Health Goals in my Virtual Gym:

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