A Real Raw Conversation About Healing, Addiction & Living Your Authentic Truth with Ricki Friedman

October 30, 2023

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Get ready for an incredibly real and raw conversation about the journey of life, finding yourself, and becoming the version of you that you are meant to be. I have guest Ricki Friedman, a fellow podcast host who went through it all. From the good, the bad, and the ugly, Ricki shares her incredible story of trauma, addiction, and discovery that led her to break out of the cycle of self-sabotage and how she embraced getting uncomfortable in order to find herself. This one is for anyone who has ever felt lost and tried to hide from themselves. This episode is about healing addiction, speaking your truth, discovering what’s within you, and taking the scary steps in your journey to become who you are meant to be. 

Show Notes: 

02:03 Breaking the Cycle            

Ricki talks about the tangled web of addiction and trauma that affected her life from a young age. She spent years unhappily working as a health coach while secretly struggling with her own mental and physical unwellness. She tried to fill voids in her life thinking the next thing would be the answer she was looking for. She started to evaluate her life and, from a spark of inspiration, decided to start a podcast. As she became more real, open, and honest about her life to her audience, the negative things surrounding her situation started dropping away, leading her to live a healthier, more fulfilling life. 

14:34 Healing Addiction            

It took Ricki time to understand that she wasn’t really an addict, she was just in a lot of pain and was looking to escape. She was using things to cover up who she really was because she didn’t like herself. A lot of people have things they go back to in order to hide from parts of themselves. There’s safety in these things that block you from true growth. The first step to breaking free from the things holding you back is to be as open and honest as possible. Speak your truth, no matter how hard it may be, because it will help you uncover your authentic self and lead you to become the best version of yourself down the road. 

22:39 Embracing the Open Spaces  

There are in between spaces in every journey, and some people struggle with the in between spaces, especially when it comes to trauma. This is where these spaces get filled with things that move you away from becoming the you that you were meant to be. When you can embrace all of the good, bad, and everything in between, the road to living as the best version of yourself opens up. There are ways to fill that open space in healthier manners that will keep your journey smooth sailing versus a bumpy ride. Move away from the things that are keeping you stuck. 

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

Listen to Ricki’s ‘Steps Forward’ Podcast  

Follow Ricki on Instagram  

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