Breaking Up With Being Content

July 20, 2020

rewire your brain and break up with being content
rewire your brain and break up with being content
rewire your brain and break up with being content

In this episode, I’m discussing how to break up with being content and breaking down this thing called the Terror Barrier. We will explore the question of “Is being content really working for you and what you see for your future?

I want to help you rewire your brain and subconscious mind to do and believe the things that will make a lasting impact in your life.

Show Notes:


I might rub some of you the wrong way by saying this, but I hope we can still be friends after this episode!

Let’s talk about breaking up with being content. To me, I feel like that is the most dangerous place you can be in your life. When you’re content, you’re just kind of floating. When you’re not striving for more, you’re not growing – plain and simple!

You can be SO grateful for everything you have, but still want more. Don’t let yourself get stuck. Desire is the trigger to release energy.


I know right now things are okay. I know right now things are safe. But what if something happens? What if your spouse dies? What if your spouse loses their job? What if you lose your job? Are you ready for that? If not, let’s do something about it.


There’s this thing called the Terror Barrier. It’s something I learned about in Thinking Into Results and it is literally life changing! We all start in this place of bondage, which is that “we know what we know, and we don’t know what we don’t know.” The likelihood of you doing more than what you know is slim. In order to change, you have to go from bonding to reasoning.


We have these paradigms within us that shift – and the paradigms are what drives your subconscious. No matter what’s in your conscious mind, if you have subconscious beliefs because of your past experiences – that’s what drives your behaviors. Until we can literally rewire our brain and our subconscious, things will not change.

Two things that will change our subconscious:

  1. Repetition (offsetting the limiting belief)
  2. An Emotional Experience (cancer, death, or some type of strong emotional moment)

How many times do we wait for tragedy to hit before we make changes? If you’re feeling stuck, it’s likely due to a lack of clarity around what you actually want.


Before I got into coaching, our backs were not up against the wall. My husband was in vet school, I was running a full-time photography business, two kids – we were living a “normal” life.

We were going through the motions and there was no urgency to change things up. I was planning on being a stay at home mom forever and things were just fine.

But as things evolved, things changed and I became more open to other possibilities in my life. I started to want more for my life and for my family! And that’s when I started the process of breaking up with being content!

So often, we put ourselves in a box and don’t let yourselves out. Don’t let that be you!

Listen to Breaking Up With Being Content Part 2

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