Breaking Up with Being Content: Part 2

August 3, 2020

In this episode, I am joined by a friend, Ashley McClellan, to talk about her experience breaking through the terror barrier and what contentment and complacency means to her. Together, they discuss that you don’t need to hit rock bottom to change your life, how to best use contrast statements, what it takes to create a life that you love, and so much more. 

Listen to Breaking Up With Being Content Part 1

Show Notes:


We have a guest speaker today and her name is Ashley McClellan.  If you’re in the Beachbody world you probably know who she is! She’s energetic, contagious, and I want to give her an opportunity to dive into where she was when she was content and stuck.

Ashley was feeling stuck and complacent until something major happened in her life – her husband lost his job.


“My husband was growing up seeing our daughter on facetime and we just did not see each other. Somewhere… somehow… we got pregnant and had a miscarriage. I was alone. Our dog got hit by a car, and everything was just hard. 

To add on top of that, my husband was unexpectedly laid off. Something just had to change.”


“My dad was never able to hold down a job, and my parents never had more than what they needed. And the fact that I had hit a place in my life that we didn’t see each other but my husband was making so much money and he started to love his job again. But I didn’t.”


“I hit my bondage moment just as I was ready to go on the retreat.  I was a week away from having my little Emma (and the retreat was technically closer to the hospital so it was safer). 

My husband basically missed my whole pregnancy, missed my little daughter growing up, and it was an awakening moment.”

In order to reprogram our brains, you have to rewire your brain through proactive action on our part.


I want our listeners to understand that we don’t have to wait for a huge moment in our life to make a change. There’s two things that will motivate people: 

  1. There’s the hope of something better
  2. The fear of what could happen if things don’t change

Oftentimes we get stuck in complacency because we’re comfy – and this is one of the most dangerous places to be! You aren’t uncomfortable enough to make changes in your life.


Start by asking yourself “what in your life right now makes you frustrated and stressed?” 

These are called contrast statements and these are the things that are a lot easier to identify. When my husband was in vet school, I always knew we’d be taken care of and never allowed myself to be like “well what if he wasn’t?” 

But what if I could do something with this coaching business? Or what if we didn’t have to be tied down to where my husband was working?


I want you guys to list out the things in your life that are causing you stress, making you frustrated, causing friction in your marriage or your relationships, or just anything that you’re unhappy with in your life right now. Because we don’t have to live in that state. 

There are two states:

  1. The beautiful state
  2. The miserable state

Most people live in a miserable state as their norm and they have settled. That is NOT how you should live!


“I wish I could go back and tell myself that I was facing a terrier barrier and I needed to push through. If you want to push through and hit your goals, you need to push through the voices.”


I know from your story that affirmations have been life-changing for Ashley. Affirmations are just another word for creating repetition for your subconscious.

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