Breaking Toxic Weight-Loss Culture through Empowering People to Connect With and Care for Their Body with Katie Bramlett

November 6, 2023

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My guest on today’s episode is going to have you jumping out of your seat with new found motivation! I have guest Katie Bramlett with me, and she’s here for all the ladies who have ever struggled to feel in control of their wellness journey. This episode is all about listening to your intuition and what your body is trying to tell you to truly find the path that will lead you to where you want to be. I LOVE this conversation because it’s all about empowering women to finally feel worthy as we are now, so that we can finally break up with toxic weight loss culture and feel capable of achieving our wellness goals. 

Show Notes: 

01:32 Getting Deeper with Wellness             

Katie and her partner had originally started a fitness company back in the day that was very much focused on burning calories and getting in the best shape that you can. Although they were successful in their business ventures, Katie felt like she needed to help women focus on more individualized needs. She closed her original business and started focusing on more wellness-focused fitness instead of the grid as hard as you can kind of fitness. She even took it a step further to help women break down the social, economical, and emotional barriers holding them back in life in general. 

06:10 Breaking Toxic Weight-Loss Culture           

Most people know of toxic diet culture, but there’s also toxic exercise culture as well. There’s a slippery slope when it comes to the way we view food and exercise, so just crack the door when you start looking into these things. Be cautious of what you’re being told you should be doing, and make sure you’re doing it for you. Don’t try to become someone else in order to feel worthy based on your accomplishments. Love yourself as you are now as well as when you reach your goals.   

12:24 The Mental Part of Wellness   

Weight loss is only one part of wellness. Wellness is a whole mental process as well. It also helps to have a community to support you. Find your intention, which should switch from ‘I should work out’ to ‘I love and care for my body, and I am worthy as I am’. This mindset shift will lead to completely different results. When you come from a place of positive intentions, it actually motivates you to move your body and live a healthy life in a whole new way.   

16:22 Get in Tune with Your Body   

There’s a lot of noise on the outside telling you what you should do, but health needs to be looked at internally. Only you truly know what’s best for you. Get in tune with yourself and what your body needs. When you learn to tune out the noise of others and listen to what your body is saying, that’s true authentic self power. You’ll do yourself justice when you start listening to your own messages instead of those of others around you. 

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

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