My Morning Routine MUSTS As a Mom of 6

morning routine musts for a mom of 6 life on folsom farm

As moms, how often do we wanna slow down time so we don’t miss the magic that’s in front of us in this season of motherhood? I know I’ve said those words many times. As I reflect on the last 14 years since I had our first baby, I remember a time when motherhood felt like a blur! But as the years progressed (we’ve had 5 more babies since then) I remember many years where motherhood felt precious and I was able to be fully present, soaking up all the moments.

So what made the difference? 👉👉👉A MORNING ROUTINE! If I had to pick one ritual that’s impacted my life the most it would be this. I’m a mom of 6 who is NOT a morning person but swears by a morning routine. My morning routine has evolved a lot over the years… and it changes with different seasons of life (don’t sign me up for the 5am club when I’ve got a baby that wants to hang out all night!) 😜 But there are a few things that are always included in my morning rituals no matter what time I wake up to start my day so that I can put my best self out there as we raise these 6 precious kids! So let me share with you my Morning Routine MUSTS as a mom of 6.

What Happens When I don’t take care of myself?

I love my family and value my role as a wife and mom over everything. I love myself and want to feel and BE my best. When I don’t take care of myself… mind, body & soul, everyone else suffers the repercussions of that. 😝 I’m short tempered. I’m not fun. I’m snippy. I’m just not the best version of myself and that’s not how I wanna show up for life OR for my family. So these 2 things fuel each other….taking care of myself allows me to do a better job at my #1 role as a mom and wife!

​I make some time for ME each morning cause I love my family and myself enough to make space for what I KNOW helps me show up a happier, healthier version of myself.

Here’s What I do to Make my Morning Routine a Priority

The truth is, as moms our days will fill up with everyone else’s agendas if we don’t prioritize what WE also need to make time for. First thing I do, is build in super simple routines into our days that generate the energy and joy I want to transfer into motherhood and life. I don’t make it hard or complicated! It takes me 30-45 minutes in the morning to knock out everything I need for my wellness journey physically, mentally & spiritually.

Not Every Morning is Perfectly Executed

Sometimes it can feel like the earlier I wake up, the earlier my little’s wake up too. 😆⁣ It’s like they have a sixth sense that mom is up, so they better get up too! I’m not the only one, right? Over the years, we’ve created our morning rituals that help align our energy and feed our souls before our days really take off and it’s been one of the greatest habits we’ve built.⁣

I used to get frustrated when the kids would wake up and ‘ruin’ my routine, because I couldn’t finish it the way I wanted. ⁣⁣I’ve learned better. It’s not just a completed checklist we’re going after each morning.I’m personally going for a feeling of alignment.An alignment with my purpose and making a few things top priority that keep my heart filled, so that my actions throughout the rest of the day will follow.⁣

That simple perspective shift changed the dynamic of my mornings in a big way. ⁣So, no, not every morning is perfectly executed via checklist, but every morning is perfect whether filled with the quiet time & sweat or simply the quiet time and snuggles.It’s all about perspective.

My Morning Routine MUSTS as a Mom of 6

Here’s my current morning routine:

🔥mindset growth & soul fire
🤩vision story & gratitudes
👶🏼feed baby guy
⚡️preworkout drink
👯‍♀️purpose driven action

When you create rituals that take out having to ‘feel like it’ you no longer have to rely on motivation to show up. And how you start your day is a HUUUUUGE jumpstart for how your entire day will go and how you respond to what happens. Habits aren’t sexy but they work like magic when they’re aligned with your goals. 💯 The kicker is getting them to work FOR you instead of working against you.

If you’re Ready to Start your Morning Routine with Intention, Here’s what I Recommend 10/10:

1️⃣ ​Get access to my FREE Mornings mini course here​ (if you haven’t already) to get clear on what will ignite your days in this season of life.
2️⃣ ​Get a membership to my favorite mindset/growth platform that has all my favorite growth habits in one place – including a DAILY FIRE​ audio that you can listen to every morning to LIGHT YOUR SOUL ON FIRE!
3️⃣ ​Grab a tub of my favorite plant based pre-workout drink​ to kickstart your morning movement. If you’ve ever struggled with low energy or lack of focus, this supplement is a game changer!
4️⃣ ​Try a monthly membership to BODi​, my favorite online fitness and nutrition platform that gives you access to hundreds of workouts and family friendly nutrition programs that are super easy to follow and you can do from home!

You can choose one or all of these tools to add to your mornings! If you want the full stack, you’ll have to add each of these items separately to your cart by clicking the links above. If you have ANY questions or you want my help creating a custom cart for you (maybe you want some of our other awesome supplements or our 4 week gut protocol program???), email me at [email protected]! I’m so happy to help!

Micah Folsom

Hi, I’m Micah!

Wife to a cattle rancher and homeschool mom to our 6 kids on our small farm in Southeast Idaho.

I’m a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values, letting our heart tugs pave the way for us to live out our fullest potential and be the light we’re meant to be.

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