Share Your Story to Grow Your Online Business

Share Your Story to Grow Your Online Business

The ability to share your story is a big part of building a successful online business. And it’s not just putting your story on paper – it’s about allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to share your struggles and how you’ve grown from them. Think about it,...
Am I an Entrepreneur? (7 Signs You Are!)

Am I an Entrepreneur? (7 Signs You Are!)

Maybe you’ve entertained the idea of working for yourself or maybe you catch yourself daydreaming about it or maybe you are already working for yourself! If you’ve asked yourself the question “Am I an entrepreneur??” It’s possible you are!!!  I’m Micah and I am...
Finding a New Normal While Staying Safe At Home

Finding a New Normal While Staying Safe At Home

We are all starting to find our ‘new’ normal. Being at home without any plans has taken a bit to settle in to, don’t you agree?? But I am finding it to be a really nice ‘break’ from all the running around. It has given me some time to think more deeply about my...
5 Tips For A Healthy Holiday Season

5 Tips For A Healthy Holiday Season

‘Tis the season for holiday parties, baked goodies and family feasts – oh my! Though it’s the time of year that brings lots of cheer, it also brings A LOT of unhealthy habits. Sure, it’s easy to hide your indulgences under your baggy sweaters and layered ensembles,...

Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

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Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

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Micah with hand on head posing wearing a cowboy hat, sweater and jeans

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