BOD is Now BODi FAQs

Bod is now Bodi

BOD (Beachbody on Demand) is now BODi (Beachbody on Demand Interactive). The merging of the two platforms took place in March of 2023. So, if you have a current BOD membership and haven’t upgraded to the new BODi, you’ll continue to have your normal BOD access until your renewal date when your membership will be upgraded automatically to the new & improved BODi platform. That does mean there will be an increase in price from $120 to $179 and the additional workout, nutrition and mindset resources you gain access to will far exceed the extra cost difference. So, let’s dive into all the changes! 


BODi is the new BOD and is the ONLY option for membership going forward – it’s no longer BOD or BOD + BODi. It’s BODi or nothing going forward, but I want you to understand what this new platform has to offer because there are so many reasons to keep this membership and get the most out of it. 

BODi offers NEW content every single month in the three different BODi Blocks – I’ll dig into these more in a bit-  live classes, on-demand classes, indoor cycling options, a brand new Mindset portal focused on overall health esteem and personal growth, whereas BOD offers already-filmed, comprehensive workout programs. You’ll also have the ability to unlock the new Super Blocks each month as a bonus with any 90HD nutrition subscription or if you aren’t using any of the BODi supplements on subscription, you can unlock a specific Super Block for $29. These remain premium content if they aren’t unlocked but once you unlock them, you have access to them as part of your membership. 

BODi also offers a huge section on nutrition which includes the basics for both Portion Fix and 2B Mindset Nutrition programs, delicious recipes, kitchen how-tos and meal plans you can follow along with. There is a growing section on mindset resources, which will give you the foundation you need to make your healthy lifestyle stick, no matter what season of life you’re in! Since BOD and BODi merged together, you’ll be able to access everything that is on BOD with a BODi membership. 

BODi Overview Video: “Health Esteem” Intro from BoDi on Vimeo.


The price increase from $99 (or $120 depending on when you got it) per year to $179 per year does seem a little drastic if you don’t understand the changes so let’s break it down. This price increase is only $6.67 more per month, making the membership a total of $15/month. Similar to your Netflix membership, this all around health platform gives you access to pre-recorded fitness programs, live classes, nutrition classes, recipe how-tos, cycle classes (if you have a bike at home) AND the mindset classes to get your mind in the right place for creating your healthy lifestyle for the long haul so old patterns don’t continue to repeat. There really is no other platform like this and it’s a $15/mo investment in your overall health and happiness – not an expense. 

BODi will be $179 for an annual membership, $119 for a 6-month membership, or $89 for a 3-month membership with a 14 day trial.

Current Members: See the next section “How Does My Renewal Work”

New Members: You can purchase a Total Solution Pack with BODi now that will give you by far the best bang for your buck!  This is the best deal, and right now you can get it for $199 when you use code MICAHTSP20 at checkout.

BODi Day Pass: If you’re unsure about it all, try the $7 BODi Day pass. It gives you access to everything but the MYX bike workouts.


Starting March 2023, Beachbody on Demand (BOD) as we knew it ended so when your renewal comes up after that date, you’ll only be able to get a monthly, quarterly, or annual membership to BODi. If you created or renewed your original, annual BOD membership before March 1st, 2023, you’ll keep this regular BOD access until your renewal date  — as of March 2nd, you’re only able to get a BODi membership. About a month before your BOD renews, BODi (formerly Beachbody) will email you about the changes and renewal info and let you know about your upcoming renewal with the new BODi membership or give you the info and option to cancel.  


If you already have a BOD membership and want to upgrade before your renewal to take advantage of these extra goodies inside BODi, you can! You can upgrade to BODi by going to the Memberships & Subscriptions section of your account on and they will prorate $10 per month of unused BOD membership you have left and give you a credit on your BODi membership upgrade. 

If you only have a few months left before renewal, you’ll save the most by canceling your current membership and starting fresh with an annual BODi Essentials pack that includes a month of supplements AND includes TWO Super Blocks w/ your pack as well. 

This is my favorite pack that includes both Shakeology AND energize in it which I don’t go a day without either!

BOD is now NODi


BODi Blocks is a new approach to incorporating fitness into your schedule. It focuses on new workouts, 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, with an active recovery week at the end of each month. Bodi Blocks provide a straight-forward and effective way to train at home. On the 1st Monday of every month, 3 new fitness blocks are available in addition to the Beginner’s Block. Each Bodi Block includes 5 workouts a week for 3 weeks followed by an UP week (which stands for Unconditional Progress) to reset and recover. The Bodi Blocks are based on science and block periodization training to help you avoid burnout and plateaus, see results quickly, and achieve consistency in your workouts!

With your BODi membership, you’ll get access to all 4 BODi Blocks every month, and like I mentioned above, you’ll have the option to unlock the additional Super Block as well. Below is a description of each block.

What is a BODi Block? from BoDi on Vimeo.


The All-BODi block combines strength training, cardio, core moves, and mobility for an overall leaner, toned body. You’ll need dumbbells and resistance loops for this BODi block. This block is updated each month with new workouts!


The Bike BODi block combines cycling and strength training. You’ll get interval and endurance training on the bike, and weightlifting classes to get stronger off the bike, too. You would need the BODi Myx Bike or a bike to do this block.This block is updated each month with new workouts! Email me if you want to add a Myx Bike to your at home fitness arsenal. I am obsessed w/ mine! 


The Iron BODi block focuses on strength training for building lean muscle mass and improving muscle definition. You’ll need dumbbells and resistance loops for this BODi block.This block is updated each month with new workouts!


If you’ve never worked out or have a substantial amount of weight to lose, For Beginners Only with Lacee Green is a great place to start! This BODi block focuses on proper form, low-impact cardio, strength training, and core and mobility work. This block will stay the same each month. 

This program requires dumbbells and resistance loops. You may also want a mat and a chair.


There is also a Super Block with one of the top BODi Trainers that you can unlock each month for $29. BIG PERK: Super Blocks are unlocked for FREE for those using BODi supplements on subscription. Details below.  Bodi Super Blocks are fresh takes on popular programs from Bodi Super Trainers — including Autumn Calabrese and Shaun T. Each Super Block follows block periodization just like the other Bodi Blocks for the month. You’ll workout 5 days a week for 3 weeks and have 1 week to recover.

BOD is now NODi

BODi Super Blocks are not included with a base membership, but you can unlock them a few different ways.

  • You receive 2 Super Blocks included when you get the BODi Essentials Collection or any BODi Total-Solution Pack.
  • You receive 2 Super Blocks when you purchase a new qualifying supplement on home direct of 90HD or more.
  • The eligible supplements include: Shake & Hustle (Shakeology & Energize), Shakeology, Performance Stack (Energize & Recover), Go & Glow* (Energize, Hydrate, and Collagen), FIRST THING + LAST THING, 3 Boxes of Beachbars, 4 Week Gut Protocol Bundle (Optimize + Revitalize Gut Health Supplements)
  • Every month you stay on these supplements or get any combo of $109 worth of supplements on HD, you’ll earn next month’s Super Block for free.
  • Don’t use supplements? You can also unlock any Super Block separately for $29.
BOD is now NODi

BOD is now NODi
Micah Folsom

Hi, I’m Micah!

Wife to a cattle rancher and homeschool mom to our 6 kids on our small farm in Southeast Idaho.

I’m a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values, letting our heart tugs pave the way for us to live out our fullest potential and be the light we’re meant to be.

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