Solo Pep Talk: What ACTUALLY Motivates You?

February 13, 2023

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In this episode, I really wanted to dig into what truly motivates you and the commitment you need to keep with yourself to make your dreams come to fruition. Allowing yourself to dream big means being ready to take on the things that are in your control and showing up for yourself every day.   

Show Notes: 

01:10 Our Biggest Motivators

Understanding our biggest motivators starts with two things: what are our current frustrations? And what do you want the most? Some people are ones that lean into wanting to change what’s causing them problems, while others are ones who are driven by what they desire. A good way to make things happen is having a good balance between both of these things and not leaning more one way or the other. 

06:40 The Money Factor 

Different people have different relationships with money and it means something different to everyone. Some people are more motivated to save and pay things off, where others don’t care as much about money and are more experience focused. Neither are good nor bad, we just need to figure out what kind of motivation we have. 

09:09 The Question To Ask      

The biggest question we need to ask ourselves is “what motivates me the most”. This is what we need to build our vision boards around. When we know that motivation, it will help us build habits around making it come to life. It will also help us dig deep to uncover changes we need to make.        

11:38 Showing Up    

Another really big question to ask ourselves is “am I showing up enough to make my biggest dreams come to life?” We have to understand what time and effort is needed over the long haul to make it happen. Big dreams need a commitment of time and energy for more than just a short amount of time. We’ll commit if the motivation is real and big enough.


Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

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