Share Your Story to Grow Your Online Business

Share Your Story

The ability to share your story is a big part of building a successful online business. And it’s not just putting your story on paper – it’s about allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to share your struggles and how you’ve grown from them. Think about it, people have to trust you before they say yes to anything you offer. And trust is built when people can relate to you, your story, and your struggles.

So, what’s YOUR story?

Believe me, no matter how boring you think your life is… YOU HAVE A STORY TO SHARE! I was totally someone who thought I didn’t have anything exciting to share – but turns out it doesn’t have to be anything big that connects us to other people.

The nuggets in your story are found in your everyday life – the successes (small and big), the struggles, the transitions and the ah-ha-lightbulb moments. No one in this world has had quite the experiences you have had. Your story is unique to you!

If you are struggling to find your story, take some time to journal about what challenges you have faced, how you have overcome them and pivotal moments in your life you will never forget. Those are the stories that will build your brand and create trust among your audience. 

With just one share of your story, you can impact a life forever.

It’s why I do what I do. It’s what keeps me showing up every day because I know that by sharing bits of my life, I can influence others to make positive changes in their own lives whether they ‘work with me’ or not!

Paying it forward is the best business model, in my opinion! And when you share your story, you are paying it forward, in a sense. Sharing your struggle in hopes that you inspire another human is a courageous act and will make a lasting impression on the person who received it. Knowing this makes it easier for me to show up daily and share! 

Scared to Share Your Story?

I know first hand how vulnerable it can be to put yourself out there for the world to see. It’s scary!!!! I know! And some days will be easier than others. My best advice for overcoming this fear is taking action and showing up despite the fear. Just by doing, you’ll flex your vulnerable muscles and start to feel more comfortable sharing your story and who you are. Plus, the lives you’ll impact will make it worth it – PROMISE!

When you go to share, you don’t have to share every detail or even the ‘stuff’ you are going through right now. Pick and choose parts of your story that feel more comfortable to share in the beginning as you start to build that muscle. The key piece here is to get into a routine talking about your experiences, your story, and your message so that you can reach and relate to more of your people!

To dive deeper into overcoming fear, listen to my podcast episode on Shifting Your Relationship with Fear


After you are done reading this, I want you to go share a piece of your story. Remember, it doesn’t have to be the WHOLE story, just one small part of it. Share something that you’ve been through and learned and have a lesson that others can be inspired by.

Notice how you feel while writing it and actually sharing it. If it feels scary and weird, take your time. Journal about it. What is your fear and where is it coming from?? When you share, make sure to tag me on Instagram (@micahfolsomfit) – I want to read more about you!!! 

Feeling called to work with me more intimately?? I mentor women to build a business online, partnering with Team Beachbody. Learn more about my Business Mentorship here

Micah Folsom

Hi, I’m Micah!

Wife to a cattle rancher and homeschool mom to our 6 kids on our small farm in Southeast Idaho.

I’m a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values, letting our heart tugs pave the way for us to live out our fullest potential and be the light we’re meant to be.

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