Try THIS to Build Your Self Belief with Micah Folsom

December 26, 2022

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I’ve got a quickie solo episode for you today! It’s me walking you through an exercise that will build your self belief. It’s simple and takes very little time, so let’s jump in!

Show Notes: 

00:10 Exercise   

This is an exercise I do when I start to feel a little frustrated or overwhelmed. It helps give me a quick win and builds my follow through muscle.  

01:56 Actions 

Try to act on the things you say you are going to do as much as you can. It doesn’t take a lot of time or effort, and it proves that you can follow through on the things that you say you are going to do.  

03:31 Wins   

It takes less emotional energy to just follow through with things versus saying you are going to. This way you are creating a win for yourself and not waiting on others.  

05:39 Ownership

Building a trust with yourself is what creates confidence and self-belief. You will trust that you can handle little and big things in life.

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