Three Essentials You Need to Reach Your Fitness Goals With Brittney Carbone

November 3, 2022

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In this episode, we have Britney Carbone, founder of “The Lifestyle Method”, a program designed to help elevate women in all aspects of their lives. We dive into how to choose grace over perfection, how to give yourself permission to show up, how to listen to what your body really needs, how to improve your body image and so much more! This is so much of the stuff I talk about on the regular, but in this episode, you get a fresh perspective. So, if you’re open to new ways to get your body, mind and spirit happy and healthy… this episode is for you! 

Show Notes: 

02:00 History  

Brittney kicks off the conversation by talking about her life and story. She speaks about how she struggled with drinking and body image in college. Once she got sober, the body image issues increased. This is when she met a coach that helped change her mindset when it came to fitness and nutrition. 

08:26 Consistency  

Brittney talks about how she manages to stay consistent with living a healthy lifestyle. She doesn’t chase perfection and she gives herself grace. She encourages people to not “undo” mistakes, but rather just do the best you can. Make lifestyle changes because you want to feel better. 

15:29 Positivity 

When it comes to body image and making changes to a healthier lifestyle, negativity isn’t going to do anything good for your mind. If your mind isn’t in a good place, then your body won’t be either. Give yourself positive reasons for wanting to make changes. Show up for yourself in the right ways.   

20:40 Actions  

The best thing you can do for yourself is to help set yourself up for success by planning things out and doing things ahead of time. Once you do that, be sure to thank yourself. It’s all about giving yourself the positivity that you need and feeling good. 

21:43 True Self  

There is a difference between who you think you are supposed to be and who you actually are as a person. Sometimes we get influenced by the people around us. We need to focus on asking ourselves what we really want. Take care of your body and mind, and then work on figuring out who you want to be.

31:48 Discipline  

The discipline you create will play a part in all parts of your life. You will feel more confident about who you are and what you are capable of. It will also reflect on the people around you.    

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

Follow Brittney on Instagram: @brittneycarbone

Visit Brittney’s Website:

My Website:

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