The WHY Behind Recent Changes & the Power of Our Identity with Micah Folsom

June 20, 2022

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I have a solo story time episode for you today! I talk about some shifts I’ve been making recently and how that led me to thinking about how powerful our identity is in how we show up in the world. 

Show Notes: 

01:00 Following Heart Tugs

You may have noticed some shifts on social lately. I was starting to feel confined by the name @micahfolsomfit. My new IG handle is @lifeonfolsomfarm. I want to share something interesting that happened when I did that. 

03:25 I am Not a Country Girl

I grew up in the city and never felt super connected to animals and nature. When I met a cowboy (my husband), I was introduced to a whole new world. While I love the life I’m living, I realized I have not fully embraced what it means to be a farm wife and a farm mom. Then I started to get curious…

05:40 Starting to Share

As I started to get more involved in farm life instead of just being a bystander, I also started to share bits and pieces of that journey on social media. But I wondered, “who am I to share this life?” I felt like a fake and a fraud cause I’M not the country girl. . 

07:03 Pulling the Curtain Back

When I decided to shift the Instagram handle to move into a new chapter for our family, it allowed me space to expand and to share my current reality of my life on the farm. The life that I have been living all along! For the first time in 14 years, I decided to document our daily activities. I put on some of Jonnie’s country girl clothes and I stepped into who I can be. I was actually a part of it and I loved it. 

11:02 Our Identities Dictate Our Behaviors

When we carry these identities that don’t serve us, whether that’s something that we’ve chosen, or something that’s been placed upon us, that can dictate our behaviors. When you think of an identity as something that you already are, instead of something that you’re striving to be, your behaviors will start to align. Who you are, and who you’re being shifts at the core. 

13:52 Consider Your Identity 

Making this shift on social media really made me think about how powerful this idea is. Think about who you want to be in the world, and what you want to do, and just BE that. Consider the identities that are running the show for you, and if that core identity doesn’t align with what you truly want to do, release it and step into something that will serve you in a more empowered way.

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