The Power of Appreciation & Gratitude

October 26, 2020

Podcast Sponsored by My Get Fit for Life Virtual Gym

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In this episode, I talk about the power of gratitude and appreciation in all aspects of your life including your body, self-image, business, marriage, and parenting. I give examples from my own life of how I seek out appreciation and gratitude everywhere, everyday. We are kicking off a new month and November is a great time to reflect and share what you’re grateful for.

Show Notes:


At first you have to practice and it seems hard and funky. Lot’s of people’s first response is negativity, complaining, and gossiping when bad things come into their life. When you go to a place of appreciation and gratitude, you see the world in a completely different way. 

Some people operate differently and it’s hard to get used to, but I’m confident that this is an easier shift that makes huge benefits in your life. When you start to look for the good and appreciate what’s in front of you, you will start to do life differently.

“The root of joy is gratefulness…It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” – David Steindl-Rast


When you practice appreciation and gratitude, you get through each season of life in a new light.

Women are so hard on themselves. We are always comparing, focusing on others, and desiring change. If you cannot love and appreciate your body right now (even if you are not where you want to be), then you won’t stick with the habits.

Normalizing the reality of our bodies is awesome, but I also think it’s creating a slippery slope because it may make you feel bad if you want to improve your body and tone up. It is perfectly healthy and okay to love yourself and appreciate yourself now and still want to improve. I know that I can do life best when I feel a certain way, sleep enough, get enough water, and move my body.


Instead of thinking to yourself: “Gosh I have coaches who won’t do anything. They told me their goals and they aren’t showing up for team calls or any of what it takes to reach their goals”. 

Instead of talking about how bad you have it, what if you had one teammate that’s showing up with you? Even if you have 50 that aren’t doing anything – if you have one that you can focus on, focus on that! You will attract more of them if that’s what you focus on.


This was one I had to learn personally! It was really easy to want to nitpick everything early on in my marriage. Focusing more on what HE could do to improve our marriage, rather than focusing on what we could control together. I had to get clear and continue to work on this every single day.

When I feel friction in my marriage, 9/10 times it means our buckets aren’t being filled. Naturally, you start to look for what they’re not doing. But instead, we can say “but what are they doing that’s good?” 

Even if you feel like other areas aren’t being fulfilled, if you can come from a space of love, it’s a magical change in perspective. When your thoughts shift, your actions shift.


We can see a situation with our kids in two completely different ways. Oftentimes we have a larger and more clear perspective than our kids. It’s interesting how this compares to other areas of our life. With our kids especially, time goes by fast and appreciating every single stage (even the hard ones) is incredibly important.

It’s really easy to be naggy with your kids when they’re bugging you, but we have to be mindful that our kids don’t need our attention 100% of the day – but they crave connection. Are you giving them the connection that shows that you love and care for them? Or is the only time they’re getting connection is when you’re nagging at them?


When you express your gratitude, you are shifting other people’s lives every time you do it. Kids don’t hear enough how much we love, adore, and appreciate them.


It’s really easy to get focused on the hard things.You’re either stuck in your house or safe in your house…that’s perspective.

Podcast Sponsored by My Get Fit for Life Virtual Gym

Because getting FIT is much more than your physical body. It’s about your mental, emotional and spiritual wellness too!
Get more details on becoming a member here.

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