Take Control of your thoughts

May 18, 2020

taking control of your thoughts
taking control of your thoughts
taking control of your thoughts

In this episode, I dig into the topic of your thoughts – more importantly, taking control of your thoughts. I explain how your actions are driven by your feelings, and your feelings are driven by your thoughts. If you can’t dial in on these thoughts, you’ll never have control, and ultimately be unable to take action.

Show Notes: 


Our actions are driven by our feelings and our feelings are created by our thoughts. 

So in order to change any result that is happening in our life, whether it’s personal in your relationship, in your marriage, with your children, or in your business, or in your confidence, we’ve got to first figure out why we are taking those actions (or why we’re not).


One person says, “Oh my gosh, I can’t do this, I’m going to fail.” That’s person A. 

Person B says “I’m so excited about this new adventure. I’m still learning everything and everything is so new, but i’m so excited to just take this journey on. I’m so excited to reach out to new people and make new friends and see the impact I can make.” 

Same situation. Both girls are starting a new adventure. 


We bought a Mercedes a few years ago and I am certainly not a car person. So I didn’t  see any Mercedes’ anywhere! I swear the week after we bought the car, I was seeing them all over! 

And that’s not a coincidence, that’s what happens. We see in our outer world what we think about and what we are mindful of. 


For one day, get out a notebook and just write down what you think that day. 

I promise you it will blow your mind the things you tell yourself. Things that you wouldn’t tell a friend, your coworker, or your mom. This will shift how we feel about ourselves. We’ll be happier, more joyful, more present and pleasant to be around. 

The feelings will shift our actions and how we feel in our life. You can self coach yourself to think differently. 

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