Success GPS – Your Path to Faster Success with Brad Bizjack

February 14, 2022

Today I am welcoming a listener favorite back to the show! Brad Bizjack is joining us today. In this episode we discuss how success can be light and fun. It doesn’t have to be hard! Brad shares his 3-step framework called The Success GPS. This framework will allow you to not only reach success faster, but also to enjoy the process, and feel ready for your next adventure once you’ve reached your destination.

Show Notes: 

02:14 Success Can Be Easy

There is a misconception that success should feel hard. Brad shares his theory that by making success feel harder than it needs to be, it’s just a way to make yourself feel important. I introduce the idea that there’s a way to enjoy the process in a way that feels light and fun. And that is important when moving towards your dreams! Brad is going to share his framework with us today. 

05:35 Introducing the Framework – Success GPS

Brad has been developing this framework over the past year. It’s the idea of getting from where you are to where you want to be, in a much faster and more fulfilling way than you’ve ever done before. The Success GPS idea is based around the metaphor of Google Maps. 

06:35 Part 1: The Destination

When getting ready to embark on a journey, the first thing you’ll do is type your destination into Google Maps. A common mistake that Brad sees when people are mapping out their path to success, is typing in a success destination that they don’t actually want to go to. It’s important to choose a destination that’s exciting to you so that you are willing to put in the work to where you want to go. That is the feeling of being pulled by your vision!

14:14 Part 2: Current Location

Once you have a compelling vision for your destination, Google Maps needs to know your current location to plan the route. If you are crafting stories about where you’re at, it doesn’t give you an accurate picture of where you’re actually at, which is necessary to map out the next steps. Brad recommends taking an objective look at where you’re at to get an idea of the existing truth. The objective reality presents things as facts, and strips away the stories and emotions. 

20:20 The Stories that Box Us In

We all have stories. And often we use them as ways to keep us safe when we are afraid. It doesn’t matter if your story is true, it matters if it’s serving you. So ask yourself what it’s doing for you? A lot of the stories we create for ourselves box us in and get in the way of making your dreams happen.

24:40 Enjoying the Journey

Brad uses the metaphor of a road trip and asks us to imagine that we will only be happy once we get to the destination (success). Success is about the beginning, the middle and the end. We need to find joy in the journey.

26:40 Part 3: Who’s In the Car?

If we really want to be successful, we also need to ask ourselves who’s in the car with us. Who are we surrounding ourselves with and are they helping us enjoy, and reach the journey we want to get to?

29:00 Part 3 Continued: Seasons of the Journey

Along the journey to your destination, there are left turns, right turns and different speed limits. Maybe there are some places where we are meant to go slower to get food or to get gas. And then there are some areas where you are flying down the freeway. There’s also construction and different weather conditions. In each of these circumstances, there are choices in how you react to it. 

32:45 The Process is the Beauty

If you have successfully enjoyed the ride, you will be able to enjoy success once you get there. Brad says we need to analyze how we are living in the day to day. It’s your emotions each day that will help you enjoy this process.

36:00 Love Your family, Pick Your Peers

I ask Brad, what if the people who are bringing you down are people that you can’t kick out of the car? Brad says “love your family, pick your peer group.” There are different ways to the people who are with you from point A to point B. You can still involve them in the process and get them excited about it, without expecting them to think like you. 

40:43 Enjoying the Scenery at the Peak

Once you reach your goal, with the Success GPS mindset, you can really appreciate it once you get there. And you can ask yourself “where will I go next?”

42:00 Accumulating Equipment

After you drive to different destinations, you will accumulate equipment in your toolbox, and maybe even a new vehicle to get you there. 

43:20 The Success Accelerator

Don’t miss out on Brad’s 10 Day free mindset challenge called The Success Accelerator. The purpose of this challenge is to 10x your level of success without working more, and have fun doing it!!

Connecting with Brad

Here’s Brad’s Website:

Here’s Brad’s Instagram: @bradbizjack

Here’s Brad’s Free 10 Day Mindset Challenge:

Here’s My Website:

Follow Me on Instagram: @micahfolsomfit

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