Make Your Side Hustle (from home) Your Main Hustle

November 9, 2020

side hustle to main hustle
side hustle to main hustle
side hustle to main hustle

Are you ready to up level your side hustle from home?

In this episode, I outline 5 crucial tips that every entrepreneurial person (who either has a business or wants to start one) will benefit from learning in order to bring their business to the next level. Whether you have an established side hustle, are just getting started or have a vision of entrepreneurship in your heart, I know these tips will help transform your side hustle from home into your main hustle!

Show Notes: 


When you’re trying to build a business when you’re already working full-time or a full-time mom, it’s a learning curve. Have a clear picture in mind of why you are building your business and what do you want out of it.

When I was doing my photography business – although it was successful, it took a lot of time and felt like it was running my life. When coaching fell into my lap, I didn’t have a vision of what I wanted out of the business. I just knew I wanted to do something other than photography.

It’s important that you let yourself entertain the idea of what’s possible.


This is one of the mistakes most people make. They wait until it’s convenient to work on their business. Hint: It will never look perfect and it will never feel like the right time! But if you want to build something substantial, it’s going to have to be one of the top three priorities in your life.

However, I do not mean that your business should take over your life! Find pockets in your day to have intention for your business. Identify the power pockets!


You are going to have to make some sacrifices to build your business from good to great. Early on, I cut laundry out of my life to spend more time building my business. Identify what is good, what is great, and what is most essential. Instead of adding new stuff onto your plate, focus on purposeful and intentional activities.

Tip of the Week: Get good at replacing activities instead of adding to them!


If you are working, you better be working! I built a business from my phone 99% of the time and it can feel like you have to be plugged in all the time. I made a promise to myself early on that if I was going to be on my phone, it’s on purpose and for growing my business. But if I wasn’t working on my purpose (my business), my phone is away and unplugged.


We have a microwave mentality in a crockpot industry. Entrepreneurship takes longer than you think it takes to grow, gain credibility, and build your following. Give yourself grace, time to learn, time to grow, time to fail, and figure it out! The majority of people don’t give themselves enough time to hit success in their business.


Identify your daily non negotiables in your business every single day – no matter what. We don’t have to rely on somebody else or wait for somebody to do something. We need to build trust for other people to do business with us.

Homework: Identity YOUR non negotiables and make sure that you carve out business hours to achieve these tasks.


Never hesitate to shoot me a message on Instagram if there are any topics or questions you’d like me to answer in future episodes. You can also add your ideas or questions to this google form!

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