Shifting From Scarcity into Abundance with Petia Kolibova

December 19, 2022

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In this episode, I have Petia Kolibova, an alignment women’s coach who helps women to intuitively connect to their inner vision so they can experience personal and professional magnetism and become unapologetically abundant. She is a mindset and breathing coach who helps women take their dreams to the next level by embracing abundance. We discuss mindset and what it can mean to shift focus on true possibilities.  

Show Notes: 

02:20 Growth     

Petia starts out the conversation by giving a glimpse into her life before she really found herself. She talks about struggles with food and relationships that led her to jump around the world living a life that looked good from the outside, but was very empty on the inside. She knew she needed something more, so she decided to reach further. 

11:28 Possibilities      

When we feel like there is not enough for us to make things happen, we are limiting ourselves to true possibilities. This comes back to our beliefs on the world and what we think is going to hold us back. We have to look at the abundance of things around us and what we can draw from.   

17:49 Scarcity     

Humans are pushed toward a scarcity mindset to bring out the survivor portion of ourselves. We live in a very narrow view of the world to keep things moving a certain way. It’s important to look at the world through all lenses and see the array of abundances in your life and the possibilities around them.     

24:40 Environments       

Petia talks about how this can not only help you in your life but help keep you on track with big items like money. Treating money as a possibility versus something that is a burden to manage can help you create an environment to make the right kind of changes.  

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

Visit Petia’s Instagram: @petiakolibova

Check Out Petia’s Website and Podcast:

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