Simple Things to Prevent Overwhelm and Burnout

April 19, 2021

In this episode, I talk all about overwhelm and burnout. Because when you’re starting a business, growing your family, or even involved in your local church, you have an unlimited amount of “things to do”. Let me walk you through 3 simple steps that you can use to prevent burnout while remaining in alignment with your goals.

Show Notes: 


Today we are going to be focusing on how to slow down instead of quitting. This will prevent overwhelm and burnout – the two biggest roadblocks I see for people that have BIG goals.

I see so many people getting STUCK in overwhelm and burnout and end up quitting on the things they were once super excited about. Today I want to chat specifically about some of the things I’ve learned and implemented to prevent overwhelm.


Let’s say you’re starting this new opportunity, you’re excited to get started, and it’s new and you’re optimistic about what lies ahead. Everything we do at first is uncomfortable and takes time to get used to. Threfore, it becomes a choice when you’re starting something new to let the new information overwhelm you.

Overwhelm often happens when you’re soaking up information and you know there are actions to take but you aren’t taking any of them. However, instead of letting all this new information overwhelm you, reframe your thoughts and choose to be grateful for new resources, lessons, and growth instead.

Allow yourself to fail forward and start sloppy. If you feel yourself slipping, remember that overwhelm is a choice and you can simply choose something different instead – choose to act.


This is a question that I ask myself every single day – in motherhood, business, church callings, all areas of my life. There are so many things that you COULD do every single day, allowing yourself to fall into a constant state of overwhelm. However, what you really need to identify is what actually needs to be accomplished TODAY. 

As a new mom, business woman, and leader – I had to identify what the essentials were every single day and remove everything else that wasn’t important.


There are going to be different seasons when things will take more work, hustle, and energy to do the things that are needed to accomplish what’s most important to you and your goals. On the contrary, there will be seasons where you need to give yourself grace to slow down. Sometimes you’ll go 80 miles-per-hour, and sometimes you’re going 60 – you can still be moving forward as long as you’re moving!


Non-negotiables are baseline goals that you set for yourself that help your behaviors stay in alignment with your goals and it’s important that these are also in alignment with your key priorities. I believe that everyone should have at around three things in your life that are most important to you and help dictate the choices you make in your life. These are your key priorities. Things such as your business, family, faith, or the impact you want to make would be examples of these.


Instead of giving up on your goals all together – simply adjust the date! When it’s taking longer than you think it should to reach a goal, slow down and course correct. Get good at slowing down, think straight, re-adjust your course, and continue moving forward. This allows us to speed up over time cause we’re avoiding all the regression that happens when you give you and have to start all over again. 

Do NOT quit on your goals. If something’s important to you, then it’s important no matter how long it takes to get there. If you don’t keep going, you’ll most likely fall further back than where you were to begin with.


You only have three things you can control in your life: 

  1. The thoughts you think.
  2. The images you visualize.
  3. The actions you take. 

So when you start to feel overwhelm creeping in – slow down instead of giving up. When you slow down, you will be able to ask yourself what the most essential thing is today and take action on those things to continue making the important things top priority. 

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prevent burnout
prevent burnout
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