One Question to Help You Make Progress Towards Your Goals Every Single Day

November 14, 2022

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I’ve got a quickie for you today!!I know you have big goals and I know how much the world and your family needs you to show up for those goals. But I also know how hard it can be when you believe that you have to be 100% in order to show up. The ALL OR NOTHING belief is deeply ingrained in us. And while it can be very powerful at times, I know from experience how exhausting it can be. In this episode, I reveal one question you can ask yourself daily that will help you break the pattern of ALL OR NOTHING and stay on track with your goals, even when you’re not at 100%! 

Show Notes: 

01:04 All or Nothing 

I want you to break up with the “all or nothing” mentality. It’s a powerful thing until you mess up. That’s when fallouts happen or you spiral into unhealthy patterns. This thought process will kill your goals.   

03:14 Choices 

You don’t need to be one hundred percent on track all of the time. The best thing to ask yourself is, what is the best choice you can make right now? Look at what you have in front of you that will give you the most success. This will help you see a bigger picture of options. 

05:20 Habits 

Little changes in habits will lead to a transformation in your life. Asking yourself what your best choice is during moments of chaos or confusion will help you make better decisions. It will help you stop reacting and give you the pause you need to think things through.   

07:23 The Daily Question

We are in a constant roller coaster of moving forward because we tend to live in the all or nothing mindset. It is exhausting and hard to come back from. Switch your thoughts out of that way of thinking and you will see much better progress towards your goals. Listen till the end to get the magic daily question!! 

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