Are You Missing Your Miracles?

September 20, 2021

Are Your Missing Your Miracles?
Are Your Missing Your Miracles?
Are Your Missing Your Miracles?

Are you missing the miracles in your life? In this episode, I go deep into my vision, my blessings, and my miracles to inspire you to see your own! If anything, I hope this episode reminds you to stop ignoring the tugs on your heart. 

Show Notes: 

00:47 Things Moving Mountains in My Own Life

We are going to have a short and sweet episode because I have something on my heart and have seen some things happening in my own life that I want to dig into. 

Lots of times, the biggest things that we want in life are really the smallest things. Miracles and blessings are happening all around us and if we’re not looking for them, they’re easy to overlook and miss altogether. 

2:30 My Passion for Vision

I am super passionate about vision! I am obsessed with making your vision a part of your morning routine and writing the person you want to become, the impact you want to make, and the feelings you want to have.

If you’re struggling with writing your vision, I create a mini workshop to help you walk through this process. You can find that here.

When you become so committed to what you want and so aligned with how you want to feel and so aligned with who you want to be, the HOW brings itself to life.

5:40 My Vision Coming to Life

J.D. and I love the time we get to spend together every day. If you know anything about my life, J.D. is currently so busy with his career (more than he prefers). When I read my vision about us enjoying our time together, I always have small doubts. I also have a vision of making enough passive income to give freely.

A few weeks ago, I went into my stories to talk about selling some of our cows to help people have homegrown beef. There was SO much interest and it got me so excited.

10:20 Stop Quieting The Tugs

Stop quieting the tugs on your heart. If you have the desire, it’s there for your own good. You’re here on Earth to have joy – and it looks and feels different to all of us. Get out of your head and into your heart!

13:40 You Can’t Change By Being The Same Person

If you haven’t done the vision work yet, here’s a reminder to go do it. You deserve to see the same life transformation that I have from doing this work. You can’t create the life that you want being the same person with doubts and reservations. 

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