Reflect, Release, Restore & Rise Up

December 27, 2021

Ignite Your Vision in 2022
Ignite Your Vision in 2022
Ignite Your Vision in 2022

In honor of the last episode of 2021, I decided to record a solo episode to really focus on clearing out the things that aren’t serving us and ignite our vision in the new year. I share some amazing practices and opportunities to help you live with joy as the best version of yourself in 2022! 

Show Notes: 

00:50 A Week for Reflection

There is something that I love about this week where we are wrapping up the previous year and launching into a clean slate. This week offers time to reflect and celebrate our accomplishments, and also an opportunity to restart in the new year and go forward with purpose. I am excited to share a powerful practice with you today.

02:59 The Four R’s

The Four R’s are Reflect, Release, Restore & Rise Up. I invite you to take some time to sit down with your notebook and some calming music and think about what each of these things means to you. In this practice, we want to let go of negativity and allow space to bring in new intentions. 

09:17 Craft Your Vision

Use this time to craft your vision for the new year. Give yourself this clarity and align your actions with these things. It is so important to allow yourself the time to do this.

12:55 Four Ways to Work Together in 2022: 1- Virtual Gym 

The first way to work with me in 2022 is in my virtual gym where we focus on healthy habits and feeling your best. This is for everyone who’s not already working with a coach. 

13:51 2- Become a Coach On My Team

The second way to work with me in 2022 is becoming a coach on my team. I will be your business mentor for building a business within Beachbody. This is for everyone who wants to get healthier, make an impact, and build a business. 

15:03 3- Ignite Your Life Course 

The third way is my Ignite Your Life course which is a business course specifically for network marketers. It encompasses not only strategy but also scaling your business with more energy, purpose, and flow. 

18:18 4- The Inner Circle Mastermind 

The fourth opportunity is called The Inner Circle which is a six-month mastermind plus a life coaching certification. With a powerful group of 7-figure earners, you will learn strategies and systems of top leaders. 

24:49 Clarity & Alignment 

I am so excited to share these opportunities with you. I just spent a week, just fully being with my family, and it was a great reminder of what is most important in life. It brought me so much clarity for what I want to do in the new year, and I am thrilled that I get to continue to empower women to live their best, most aligned, and fulfilled lives. I’m so excited to grow together in 2022!

Resources for How to Work with Me:

Sign Up For My Virtual Gym Here: 

Join My Coaching Community: 

Learn More About Ignite Your Life Here: 

Apply For The Inner Circle: 

Learn More About The 3 Blocks:

Do Your Crap Apple Podcast
Do Your Crap Spotify Podcast
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