Turning Your Pain Into Purpose & Living Aligned w/ Your Highest Priorities with Steven Izen

August 21, 2023

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Living Aligned with Steven Izen
Living Aligned with Steven Izen
Living Aligned with Steven Izen

This week is a good one you guys! I have Steven Izen, an entrepreneur who started his journey at just nineteen years old and is now the CEO of two companies! Both of his companies are founded on balance and purpose — which is so incredibly important when building a business.  In this episode, we talk about balance, living aligned, what that really means when starting out, and how to use it to move you forward in everything that you do. Steven gives some powerful insight on prioritizing what really matters and how to use purpose and discipline to reach your goals.  

Show Notes: 

01:34 Balance is Everything          

Steven’s grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s when he was nineteen. At that point he was at one of his lowest points and started thinking about the highs and lows that everyone goes through. That’s when he came up with the idea for his first business, which focuses on finding balance. Going forward, he learned how to grow his business along the way, keeping his health and family as his base, and using his calendar to block out time to be able to focus his energy where it needs to be focused in that moment.                     

07:54 Find Your Purpose        

When it comes to discipline and sticking to the plans and schedule you have made for yourself, you have to drop all the little stuff. Prioritize the things that light you up and bring fulfillment. Things don’t happen overnight, but if you stay consistent and are willing to hear no along the way, you will continue to grow. Have your drive for success be bigger than your fears. Find the bigger purpose of your business and let it move you forward.   

14:26 Build a Foundation  

When building your business, hire the right people and let them do their job, you need a foundation of trust with your team. You’re going to have high high’s and low low’s, but you have to learn to separate your emotions when making business decisions for the benefit of both your company and for you personally. If you want to progress and make things happen, don’t be afraid to go all in and always lead with the purpose and mission of your company in mind.  

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

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