Leveraging SEO & Increasing Your Visibility Online with Mariah Liszewski

October 9, 2023

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Leveraging SEO
Leveraging SEO
Leveraging SEO

This week is for my CEO mama’s looking for that sprinkle of magic to leverage their SEO and get people pumped about what you have to offer. I have Mariah Liszewski with me, and we dig into building a solid foundation for your brand with the help of keyword research and other SEO marketing strategies. You guys, this is KEY to standing out online and getting your business to boom. Don’t skip out on these incredible tips to level up! 

Show Notes: 

02:48 The Road to SEO          

Mariah has always had a love for art, which led her to pursue digital art and web development online. After doing it for a while, she knew she had to learn how to drive traffic to the websites she was developing. As she dug into SEO, she started to see that the information online wasn’t what she was looking for, so she started testing, tweeking, and putting together ways to make SEO strategies work best for her. This led her to share this information and create a business from it.  

08:54 Keyword Connection             

Everything starts with a solid foundation. Even if you start incorporating SEO into your projects little by little, you’ll gain momentum. SEO is one thing that builds off of itself if it’s put into practice correctly. The first thing with SEO is looking at keywords, keywords are what connect your content with the people searching online. That’s why it’s important to know your target audience. You have to have a good idea of what they would be searching for online.  

12:48 Expanding Your Content 

When you have a good handle on what your target audience is looking for, you can use several types of media to optimize your SEO strategy. You can take what you have and turn it into things like reels or blog posts to pull more traffic in using those targeted keywords. You can also create more content around answers to questions that they are looking for. Make sure that all of your content is linked together in some way to lead people to what you’re offering. 

15:26 Leveraging SEO  

If you’re just starting out and you don’t really know who your target audience is yet or where you sit, social media can be an inexpensive tool to test things out. The thing is, when you start growing, that’s when you need to start thinking of SEO options, particularly before building a website. You have lots of options when it comes to different platforms and different kinds of content to create for SEO purposes, so play around with the kinds that you like and what works best for your business. Keep growing, learning, and surrounding yourself with people that will take you to the next level.   

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