Kill Overwhelm & Become a Time Management Rockstar with Leah Remillet

March 27, 2023

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On this week’s episode, I have guest Leah Remillet, a fellow podcast host and international speaker who helps female entrepreneurs hustle less and do better. Leah and I talk about all things momlife, wifelife, worklife and how to decrease burnout and kill overwhelm so that you run your business and life in a way that feels most aligned to you! 

Show Notes: 

01:45 Leah’s Path    

Leah is a mom and entrepreneur who started her business a while back as a way to bring in additional income. Her business grew exponentially and she was finding it to be a great success. Then the burnout happened. She was working so much that her body started to deteriorate. She set up a plan to still run the business, but cut back on her hours to take care of herself. This is when she decided she wanted to help other mom entrepreneurs going through the same struggles.      

09:04 Mindset Shifts to Kill Overwhelm   

Leah had some mindset shifts and rewired her beliefs around business ownership. She encourages everyone to figure out if what you are telling yourself is actually true, and make necessary changes based on your discoveries. Start with your biggest priorities, be present in the moment, and focus on your purpose.        

15:12 Setting Boundaries to Kill Overwhelm        

Protect yourself from distractions as a way to set boundaries and be present in the now. Create separations and don’t let one thing bleed into another. Give yourself opportunities to recharge and not be thinking about things you have to do. Focus on one priority at a time and be intentional about when you are going to focus on it.               

24:51 Self Care for Better Time Management        

Time management is usually not the problem, it’s mind management. Oftentimes people say they are too busy, but it’s more that their energy levels are depleted. Take care of your mind and maintain a healthy body in order to be on point when you’re in the zone of business management.   

29:05 Keep Track to Stay Accountable           

There are things that people do everyday that are unnecessary. Make sure you’re tracking what’s working and what’s not, so you know what things you can cut out. When you own a business, you are in control. You don’t have to do anything you feel isn’t working or isn’t important. Note your progress and make adjustments as you go.

34:32 Check In with Yourself Regularly 

Check yourself by watching how you speak about your business to those around you and how you present your business. Negativity is only going to make others think negatively. Putting your business before your family is going to make them resent what you’re doing. Set boundaries and give positive feedback for your loved ones sake, for the sake of your employees, and the sake of your business.      

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

Check out Leah’s Podcast:

Connect with Leah on Instagram: @leahremillet

Leah’s Website:

Connect w/ me on Instagram: @lifeonfolsomfarm

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