Simple Habits – Life Changing Transformation : From Addiction to $30 Million Success and Happy with Jefferson K. Rogers

September 22, 2022

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In this episode, I’m chatting with powerhouse entrepreneur, Jefferson K. Rogers. He is a CEO, author and podcast host who is the head of JKR Windows, a 30 million dollar company that he built from scratch in four short years. He has so much wisdom in entrepreneurship and personal development. We dig into habits, vision and the importance of investing in your growth. 

Show Notes: 

03:11 Coming Out of Addiction and Making a Shift

About five years ago, Jefferson began to make a shift in his life by becoming sober, joining a mentorship program and starting his business. He had made many mistakes and he decided enough was enough. He wanted to live up to his potential and be a good example to his kids.

07:40 The Power of Accountability

There was one thing that allowed Jefferson to follow through once he made the decision to change. He shares what he was doing in his career before his business, and how meeting his wife changed his priorities.

12:47 Sacrifice and Leveraging Vision

By leveraging his addictive tendencies towards something positive, Jefferson has been able to create wealth and prosperity. He has a strong vision and he has been absolutely certain of what he’s working towards so that other people see it too. With this mindset, he is able to attract the success he desires. 

16:30 Emotional Leadership

As he grew his business, he began to read about leadership and personal development to level up, learn how to communicate and connect with people.  He started to see the connection between the emotional unavailability in his dad during childhood and how that was hindering his emotional leadership abilities. 

21:32 Habits and Routines that Make an Impact

The daily habits that Jefferson attributes to his success are so simple: 

  1. Get up before the sun comes up
  2. Write your goals down
  3. Read daily

These habits are impactful when repeated with consistency. You have to make them a constant in your life. Jefferson shares how the seeds were planted for his goals and how his habits and mindset have helped him accomplish them.

32:49 Investing in Growth

Jefferson shares his insight on investing in his business with trust that it will pay off with a positive result. It’s important to have faith. He believes that success leaves clues. It’s up to you to get the value out of what you’re investing in. Jefferson utilizes mentorship and advice from people with more experience for growth in his endeavors. 

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

Follow Jefferson on Instagram: @jeffersonkrogers

Visit Jefferson’s Website:

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