Is PD Actually Hurting Your Goals? With Brad Bizjack

September 29, 2022

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In this episode, we have fan favorite, Brad Bizjack, talking about how personal development may actually be hurting your goals. In addition to being my personal mindset & strategy coach, Brad is a mindset guru who is passionate about helping people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. 

Show Notes: 

02:51 A Guy You Can Trust

Brad and I have known each other for the past five years, and I have been working with him for the past two years. I have invested so much money into working with Brad, as well as having him work with my team, and it has been so worth it. It pays off exponentially. Brad has so much wisdom, positive energy and is absolutely someone you can trust. 

04:45 How Can PD Actually Be Hurting Your Goals? 

A lot of times people actually use personal development as an escape. There’s an idea that if you consume enough, it will change your life. You gain so much knowledge, but aren’t applying what they’ve learned. Action is the key to changing your life. Brad has found that many people are afraid of what they’ll find when they become that next level version of themselves. 

10:45 Education Comes from Action

Education comes from action, otherwise you just get into a state of paralysis. Most people are afraid that they don’t know enough and they are trying to avoid failure which creates an environment of perfection. If you’re living in perfection, all you will receive is pain. You can’t expand if you are always focused on a guarantee. 

16:30 If You Avoid Doing the Work…

If you’re avoiding the uncomfortable work that will actually create the life that you want, all you’re doing is delaying the inevitable and life’s lessons will keep getting louder and more painful. That pain will eventually cause you to change. The other option is getting to a place of this dull, achy numbness because you know you’re meant for more. Everything you do will become about avoiding failure vs creating success. 

19:55 Feeling Like It’s Never Enough

When you live in the world of chasing perfection and doing personal development all the time, you will feel like it’s never enough. You then search for the feeling of being enough, which ends up causing more pain. 

21:09 Rewiring Your Mind

Brad invites you to take a look at what it’s costing you to avoid action. What will be present or not present in your life later down the line by not changing? Brad shares his final thoughts – if you’re listening to this podcast, you’re meant for an incredible life. Most people live their lives preparing to change their life. But if you want to become one of the few that makes it, do the uncomfortable action and rewire your mind for success. 

If you are someone who wants to get the most of your personal growth, it’s time to TAKE ACTION!! Brad is hosting a free 5-Day Challenge starting on Oct 10th. Take action and register to be part of the Success Accelerator!

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

Join Brad’s Success Accelerator FREE 5 Day Challenge:

Follow Brad on Instagram: @bradbizjack

Visit Brad’s Website:

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Connect w/ me on Instagram: @lifeonfolsomfarm

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