Instantly Get Rid of Comparison w/ One Shift with Micah Folsom

October 10, 2022

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This episode is a quick solo pep talk where we chat about comparison. In this day and age, it’s hard not to struggle with comparison when we spend time on social media. I want to help you reframe your comparison to something that can empower you for greater results, energy and actions that serve your highest goals. 

Show Notes: 

02:09 Sharing My Personal Experience

I start with a story where I can pinpoint something that directly impacted the trajectory of my life. I was at my first annual Beachbody Summit watching the top ranked leaders being recognized on stage. I am very introverted and the thought of hitting that rank and talking on stage was terrifying. I realized that nobody up there looked like me and that’s where things changed. I realized that because these people could do it, I could do it too, and there was room for my voice to be heard.

06:15 Use Comparison as Proof

You can either look at someone that you feel is ahead of you and  fall into a comparison spiral, or you can see it as proof that that’s possible for you too. What you look for you will get. If you continue to compare and feel small, you are going to align your actions to that energy and do small work. 

08:24 Be True to the Desires on Your Heart

What are you willing to do to reach the goals that are on your heart? If it’s on your heart, it’s there for a reason, and there is room for you at the top. Stop letting your disempowered beliefs, habits and thoughts keep you playing small. With this shift of your energy and focus, you shift your actions which will lead to results. 

11:32 Kick Comparison to the Curb

Kick comparison to the curb because it’s not serving you. Replace it with proof. As you start to build your belief, you will see more courageous action taking place. 

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