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On this week’s episode, I’m so pumped to have guest Tracy McCubbin, a decluttering expert and author who teaches people how to declutter physical space to feel less internal chaos. We all feel a little better when our bubble doesn’t feel so visually overwhelming, and Tracy gives us tips on how to free up our space AND our minds.
Show Notes:
05:46 The Root of our Clutter
We are constantly bombarded with ads and marketing gimmicks that keep us wanting to purchase more items. There’s a science behind purchasing, which is a hit of dopamine from finding things we want. We are also told on a regular basis that we are missing something and we need to find it.
09:42 Understanding Why We Buy is How We Declutter
Tracy mentions five “magnets” that pull people toward wanting to purchase all of the time: to find true connections, to gain strong self confidence, to find more free time, to fulfill big love, to gain self respect, to find real purpose, and to gain lasting wisdom. These are all things people strive to find. It’s a cycle that can be broken.
13:01 I Need vs. I Want
Change your tone from “I need” to “I want”. Think about the value of things and understand the work that goes into the amount that something would cost. Also, don’t treat purchasing like a reward. Kids will pick up on this as well, so teach them while you teach yourself.
18:30 A Space that Works for You
It’s not about having a perfect house. It’s about creating a space that works for you. Having things in place helps keep things running smoothly and keeps good working systems in place. It kicks chaos out and leaves overwhelm at the door.
21:22 Clutter Affects Everyone
Clutter affects everyone, but women tend to be the most affected by it. It increases cortisol, stress levels, impacts decision making, and makes it harder to get things done. This is why it’s good to start decluttering in small steps over time. Once you start, you’ll fall into a pattern of keeping things tidy.
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