Get The Most From Your Personal Development

September 7, 2020

personal development
personal development
personal development

In this episode, I dive deep into my tips on how to develop your own personal development habits. Before becoming a Coach – I NEVER did personal development. Since then, I’ve learned how to do it, apply it to my life, and help others get the most out of it. In this podcast, I want to provide tangible takeaways to help you rock your personal growth journey.

Show Notes: 


Tip #1: My first tip about personal development is to be mindful about what you read and listen to. Think about life, or motherhood, or business… What’s holding you back? What are your limiting beliefs? 

Podcasts, Audibles, etc. are all great resources, but if you are not tuning into the specific limiting beliefs and struggles you need to overcome, those resources won’t be as helpful to you specifically. 

Make a list of the things you need to overcome.


Tip #2: Listen to your personal development with your problems and struggles in mind. You can read the same book as someone else, but if you are going into it with the mindset of what you need to get out of it, you will hear things differently and they will be specific to you. 


Tip #3: Application leads to transformation. We can listen and read, but if we’re being a sponge of knowledge and not actually doing anything with it, nothing in your life will change. 

Maybe you’re afraid to do something, talk to somebody, invite somebody to join you in your business – when you do personal development, it will likely give you 5 seconds of coverage to be courageous and GO. TAKE. ACTION! Don’t miss those opportunities!

 Check out Miracle Morning on Amazon.


Tip #4: Listen for the one liner or “nugget takeaway”. Your brain and your thoughts control how you feel and how you feel controls what you do with your life. If you want to “up your life”, you have to “up your mindset”.

Listening to that one-liner can help you make a quote, a graphic, or even a 15 second post in an Instagram story to help someone else who might need that too. If you listen with the intent to identify that one liner, you will be so much more focused. 


Tip #5: There is a difference between personal development and professional development. 

 BOTH are essential! But… if you are spending time doing professional development (ex. getting better at sales) but your mindset is garbage – those new skills won’t benefit much.

 Personal development and mindset work always comes first!


One of my favorite books is Fear is My Homeboy by Judi Holler. Fear is My Homeboy on Amazon

 I value this book so much that I re-listen and re-read over and over again. If you find a book that you really love (and impacts your life), keep it close and come back to it often.

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