Get in the Right Room: Don’t Miss Your Miracles with Micah Folsom

October 3, 2022

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In this episode, we dig into my thoughts and experiences around masterminds, retreats, group coaching programs and mentors, and whether or not they’re worth it. I invite you to think about how investing in yourself can bring new ideas by being in the room with others who are thinking big. You have the opportunity to create miracles by being committed to your growth. 

Show Notes: 

01:18 Priceless Opportunities

As entrepreneurs, a lot of these opportunities come up, and if you’ve invested in some and feel like it wasn’t worth it, I want to challenge you. While you should definitely be careful about what you’re investing in, I think these are some of the most priceless opportunities to grow and evolve. I share some of my experiences with investing in masterminds. 

05:05 Ideas That Light My Soul On Fire

I made a decision to homeschool my kids, and I guarantee I would not have done it if I wasn’t in the room with other entrepreneurs having inspiring conversations. That decision alone made the entire mastermind worth it. The beef box idea also came from this mastermind. I wouldn’t have thought of this on my own, but the idea lit my soul on fire! The people there helped us create the plan together. 

11:55 The Investment is Worth It

When you invest in something, I want you to go into it knowing that even if you take one thing away that you can take action on to improve your life, it is absolutely worth your money. But first, you need to get in that room. Brad’s Success Accelerator is free you guys, if you haven’t yet, go sign up NOW. 

14:12 Rallying My Team for The Goal

I tell a story about how I invested in a mentor a couple years ago. I followed the heart tug and had some huge breakthroughs at that event. When working with my mentor, we were working towards a team goal. I was defeated at first, but we made the decision and I rallied my team to make it happen. We ended up meeting the goal. Reflecting on this, my mentor helped me push through that block and reach success. It was totally worth it. 

21:10 Be the Committed to the Growth

If you are the type of person who wants a guarantee on the return on investment, you just need to know that you are going to do what you need to do to get to the next level because that’s the type of person you are. Be committed to the growth, be committed to the process, be committed to investing the time and money into yourself. 

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

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Join the 4 Week Gut Protocol:

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