Break Up with ‘Either Or’

November 22, 2021

In this episode, I talk about the ‘Either Or’ mindset trap a lot of us can find ourselves in and why that could be holding us back! I dive into recent shifts in my life, the importance of understanding the season of life you’re in, answer some questions about what the future holds, and why everything revolves around finding joy and fulfillment in what I do. We chat about honoring priorities, values, relationships and time AND being able to live out your purpose.

More BEING. Less doing. ⁣More impact. Less social media.⁣ More fulfillment. Less attachment to external expectations. ⁣More alignment and flow. Less hustle. ⁣ Let’s dive in!

Show Notes: 

00:49 Am I Quitting Beachbody?

We have a solo episode today! I’ve had SO many messages recently after a business retreat I attended a few weeks ago asking if I was done coaching with Beachbody. It reminded me of how “Either Or” our culture can be. If you haven’t noticed yet, you can be all the things that are most important to you!


If you’re a 7-figure earner in your company, you’re “not supposed to” do anything else that you love. However, the truth is that I am passionate about creating a new channel to help and serve women. None of this would be possible without Beachbody!

Because I’m building a course and mentoring women outside of my team, that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to continue building the empire inside of my team. However, I don’t need to continue building that the same way that I may have in the past. 

06:15 Recent Shifts

I want to start caring less about what other people are expecting me to do. After doing soul searching of where I’m at in my life, I carry a lot of weight of what other people expect me to do. That has served me well, but I’m also in a season where I don’t want to work harder or do “more.” 

08:45 Do a Gut Check

Do a gut check and ask yourself where you’re at in life. Where does your attention need to be? Where does your time need to be spent? Where does your focus need to be? If you can answer these things, you can align your actions to these things.

Figure out what season you’re in! This isn’t an either or life. Our heart knows the way but our mind likes to get in the way.

12:40 What Season Are You In?

You have to figure out what season you’re in, be so aligned with what you are here on Earth to be and do that nothing else that’s going on around you can slow you down. I can promise you that when you’re aligned with your vision and purpose, you will figure out the way and you’ll find so much joy and fulfillment as you do that. 

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