Define Your Season & Trust Your Path + My Word of the Year with Micah Folsom

January 9, 2023

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I’ve got my first solo episode of 2023 for you today to kick off the new year! I wanted to share some thoughts on finding the best path that kicks outside pressures to the curb and lets you decide which direction YOU want to take. This new year should be all about crushing your goals on a path that is 100% guided by none other than yourself. 

Show Notes: 

01:07 Messages   

The end of one year and the start of another usually brings on this message of change. Sometimes the message is to hustle and work hard, while other times it’s to slow down and reflect. It can be a bit overwhelming, but it’s best to figure out what YOU need, not what others are telling you need.  

09:54 Perception  

Our reality is just our perception of what’s going on. How you choose to look at things and approach situations is just one version of reality. Sometimes it takes hard work and intentional sacrifice to get where you want to be, and shifting your mindset is going to help you achieve your goals.   

13:35 Path   

Take a look at the things you want in life and what you want to achieve. Then ask yourself what is going to put you on the path to bring that to life. Understand what is going to have to happen to make certain things a reality. Know that things might be tough for a while until you get where you want to be, but you will know if it’s worth it to go through it.   

18:24 My Word

Every year I dedicate a word that I center things around. This year my word is “connection”.  My family really wants to focus on disconnecting from the world in order to connect with each other. Technology has made it so easy to ignore the people right in front of you. I want this year to be about reconnecting to our physical world.

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