Building a Legacy Brand with Tiffany Neuman

December 5, 2022

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In this episode, I have Tiffany Neuman, who I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the past year. She is a visionary branding strategist who helps entrepreneurs and influencers uplevel their businesses. We dig into what a legacy brand is, how to build one, and why going after what you want right now matters. Tiffany gives suggestions for smaller brands looking to build and what it takes to keep going. 

Show Notes: 

03:07 Tiffany’s Branding Journey   

From education in branding strategy all the way to working as a creative director for high profile clients, has led Tiffany to be a top performing brand strategist. 

05:05 Foundation    

One of the biggest struggles she sees is people not fully understanding what a brand is. Most people think toward the design portion of branding, but it’s so much deeper than that. It’s digging deep into who you are, your ideas, and your values. Getting it all out on the table while staying authentic is key.   

10:17 Legacy Brand   

Tiffany came up with the idea of a legacy brand by looking at the big companies she worked for and seeing that entrepreneurs tend to skip over important parts when establishing a brand and voice. Even small businesses should have a big picture of where they want to be or end up eventually. Building a legacy brand looks at the big picture to build faster without constantly rebranding.    

13:20 Steps      

Before building a brand it’s important to find your niche and where you really want to go. Having some sort of starter direction is the first step. Once you kick start your idea and get a small client base, that’s a good time to maybe look at what your next best steps are. 

18:47 Confidence   

Tiffany suggests for anyone looking to build a brand out of their big ideas is to just give yourself permission to go after it. It’s a shift in mindset to feel confident about who you are, what you want, and sharing that with others. Clear out the noise and go after your dreams.    

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

Visit Tiffany’s Instagram: @tiffanyneumancreative

Visit Tiffany’s Website:

Visit Tiffany’s Company Website:

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