Building a Community & the Science Around Connecting with Dr. Caroline Addington

February 8, 2021

building a community and becoming a leader
building a community and becoming a leader
building a community and becoming a leader

Building a community is essential for serving your audience on Instagram and becoming a leader in your space. In this episode, I am joined by former neuroscientist and marketing coach, Dr. Caroline Addington. We discuss the science behind connection and how it relates to serving your audience on Instagram, becoming a leader in your space, niching down your audience, selling on social media, and so much more!

Show Notes: 

Today we are joined by Dr. Caroline Addington! Caroline is a former neuroscientist, turned content creation and Instagram marketing coach. She hosts her own podcast and has figured out how to weave together neuroscience and psychology into building a brand and sharing her story.  


Caroline’s background is in biochemical engineering and neuroscience – studying depression and chronic stress. She owned an athleisure company and through all of it, she discovered her skill of marketing and building communities on social media.

Words of Wisdom: Don’t ever feel stuck where you are at! 


Caroline’s steps towards building a strong presence and community…

Step 1: Stop worrying about likes and followers! Give yourself 30 days of just service to push yourself through that growth point. Get out of the mindset of needing engagement.

Step 2: Discover what you want people to feel when they land in your corner of the internet.

Drop the antics and just be who you are – whatever that is! 


In 2020, there were many opportunities to be a leader and community builder. When the nation and world are going through stuff, how do you rise? The easiest way is to rise into more of yourself.

As Jasmine Star says – don’t be vanilla! When everybody else is stuck in paralysis and you CHOOSE to be courageous enough to share what you have moved through, it gives other people permission to rise themselves. THAT is how you can build community.


You’re normal and you’re human! Shift from the place of being stuck in the fear to recognizing that you’re not sharing for you, but you’re sharing for those that are consuming it. The most empowering stories are the ones where the person who is listening can see themselves in it and as the hero.

The key ingredients are being your full self, sharing your full self, and leadership.


We have a product or service that we want to represent – how can we weave it in authentically? The first piece is that you have to look at your product/service as an in-service. From a psychological perspervice, there are different decision triggers.

  • Liking – They have to actually like you, and you like them!
  • Understanding – They need to know that you understand them. Don’t throw salt on the wound, but show that you get what they’re going through.


When we think about community, people oftentimes struggle about how niche to make your space. It depends on what you’re selling and what the price point is. If it’s a higher price point, people want to know that you’re a specialist. If you’re an Etsy shop or selling a variety of things, share all of that!


Release journaling is something that Caroline does during growth periods. Perhaps she’s resisting something or getting frustrated – she will write what is about to shift.

Click here to check out Caroline’s podcast. Make sure to follow Caroline on Instagram

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Building a Community
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