Solo Pep Talk – Break Up w/ ‘Must Be Nice’ with Micah Folsom

July 10, 2023

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Break Up w/ 'Must Be Nice' with Micah Folsom
Break Up w/ 'Must Be Nice' with Micah Folsom
Break Up w/ 'Must Be Nice' with Micah Folsom

This week, I’m here to light a fire within you to go after what you really want. It’s time to shut down any ‘that must be nice’ stories and flip it to ‘this is nice’. It’s going to take some grit and hard work to get after those goals, but having flexibility, time with your loved ones, and inner joy for what you do will be SO worth pushing through the crap holding you back. No more comparing — it’s  time to take action! 

Show Notes: 

01:06 Choose a Life of Purpose      

I have a lot of people come to me with frustrations, feeling like they don’t have the time, energy, or the resources to go after what they really want. If you’re truly not living the life that you want to be living, you’re choosing that. I’m not going to lie, it takes some hard work and determination, but you have the power to make the changes you need to make things happen. Take a look at what you have now, what you want, and what you need to make it happen.                      

04:16 Do Things that Light a Fire Within      

Some truth about my family is, we have a whole lot going on, but we are able to do all of it because we commit to things that we love, things that bring us joy and light a fire within. Don’t fall victim to expectations of how things “should” be. You can make anything work if you have a passion for it and find the kind of balance that works for you. You’re going to be your best self in every area of your life if your cup is full and your energy is focused in the right places. 

09:27 Hard Work will Pay Off       

Here’s where many people step in and throw out the line ‘well, that must be nice to be able to do that’. Don’t be fooled! Getting to a place where your cup is full and you are doing the things that you want to do IS POSSIBLE — but you have to be willing to put in the work to make it happen. Things don’t fall into place without a little grit behind it. You won’t get anywhere by comparing yourself to others. You CAN build the life that you want if you’re willing to go for it. 

13:00 Focus on What Matters Most       

Drop expectations. Don’t let others tell you what you should be doing. Instead, ask yourself what you want to do. You’re in control, no one else can tell you how you should be spending your time. Ask yourself what you can do today that will get you to where you want to be tomorrow. Eliminate the fluff and start focusing on the things that really matter. You’ll be so much more fulfilled if you push through the crap and land in a place where you can be your best self. 

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