All Things Entrepreneurship, Mental Health, Dating & Trolls with Sabrina Zohar

April 3, 2023

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On this week’s episode, I have guest Sabrina Zohar, a rockstar entrepreneur who was inspired to start her own business after some life changing events. Sabrina not only runs her business, but now helps others manage stress, anxiety, and life traumas. Sabrina and I come full circle as we discuss entrepreneurship, dating, and self care. 

Show Notes: 

01:45 The Road To Entrepreneurship 

Sabrina sheds some light on her tough journey that ultimately led her to the path of entrepreneurship. She was presented with an opportunity to start a business stemming from her fashion knowledge, which she initially turned down, but after her mom had successfully survived a nearly impossible to cure diagnosis, decided to go for it.       

07:30 Entrepreneurship Tips    

You don’t need a ton of money to start a business, start small and work your way up. Make sure you know how to do things within the business so that you can hire effectively and understand how to manage people running different areas of the business. Also, know that it’s not going to happen overnight.         

09:50 Starting From The Ground Up        

Sabrina talks about her clothing business journey and starting with a small test, to working in her small NYC apartment, all the way to the business that she runs today in L.A. There’s going to be curve balls, hardships, and things you need to figure out as you go. Weather the storms that come and keep moving forward the best you can.               

13:14 Recognition and Advertising         

With marketing, especially with being a small business, you have to consider costs and what is actually going to be useful at getting you the sales you need. Utilize word of mouth, social media, and press to get your name out there. Don’t waste time and energy on what isn’t working, go by trial and error to figure out your best route.    

15:33 Doing The Inner Work           

Helping your business starts with helping yourself. Entrepreneurship isn’t easy, so managing your mental health is important. Do the work and ask yourself tough questions for personal growth. Figure out what is holding you back and what your limiting beliefs are to make necessary changes. 

22:23 Dating, Trolls, and Attitude  

Sabrina goes into the nitty gritty of the dating world and what it’s like to navigate conversations. There’s actually a big correlation between dating and business. You have to cut out the people that are giving you a hard time and stop negative responses in their tracks. Don’t let negativity bring you down in life in general.       

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

Connect with Sabrina on Instagram: @sabrina.zohar

Check out Sabrina’s TikTok:

Check out Sabrina’s Company Website:

Connect w/ me on Instagram: @lifeonfolsomfarm

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