Solo Pep Talk – What is Absolute Alignment? with Micah Folsom

August 14, 2023

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Absolute Alignment with Micah Folsom
Absolute Alignment with Micah Folsom
Absolute Alignment with Micah Folsom

This week’s episode is for my entrepreneur friends ?? so if that’s you, listen up!! You know that building a business takes time and consistency, but what happens if you’ve been doing all the ‘right’ things and you find yourself stuck at a plateau, unable to reach your next level of success? The journey of growing your business to the next level requires finding cohesiveness and alignment in your strategies in order to make sure your highest priorities are not getting pushed to the side. I’ve used the practice of ‘Absolute Alignment’ in my business, which IS why I’ve been able to do everything I’ve done, including building my network marketing business WHILE raising and having babies WHILE starting up our new beef business. People ask me all the time, how do you do it ALL? What I’m going to tell you in the podcast is the answer to that question. True alignment is going to be the deciding factor on the success of your business and if you’re living the life you truly want to live. 

Show Notes: 

01:08 Driving Success with Absolute Alignment         

When you really dig into alignment, you will find that it’s the core element in supporting your business and your life. You need alignment in your IPA’s (income producing activities) in order to drive success. Really dig into who you want to serve, how you’re going to help them, and what you’re going to do to connect with them on a deeper level. It’s not just about selling, it’s about offering a community of support.                      

10:58 Working out the Kinks        

Alignment is having a smooth process, but most people have kinks that they’re not even aware of. Once you become aware of the kinks, then you can start making adjustments that make everything flow with ease. It’s about finding a way to connect with your audience that brings joy and fulfillment to your process. You shouldn’t have to live with constant resistance. You should feel good about what you’re doing in order to keep going.  

14:02 Showing Up for your Circle 

Make sure to look at your journey. Where are you at getting connected to your audience on a deeper level? How are you serving those in your circle? Are you bridging the gap between where they are and where they want to be? Get clear on those things and build your content from those answers. Are you being intentional with how you’re building your business? There should be spark behind your actions. 

20:27 Flowing with the Seasons 

I created my program, Ignite Your Life, based on how I’ve built my business over the last ten years. I go back to my vision story and how I can continue to make changes. When you’re building a business, it’s going to go through seasons, and you have to be ready to flow with the transitions. Look at your IPA’s and adjust based on where you’re currently at in your business. Make sure that what you’re doing now is in alignment with the time and phase you’re in. 

22:02 Ignite Your Life 

It’s almost time for my 12 week ‘Ignite Your Life’ group coaching class. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone feeling stuck and looking for extra support. I want you to be able to experience true breakthroughs, so you’ll have me right in your back pocket to help with that. I’ll be hosting this once in the fall and once in the spring for anyone looking to build the blueprint to building a business and supporting the life that you truly want to live. The Inner Circle is exclusive only to 

Resources from this Episode & Working w/ Me

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