Staying Healthy During the First Trimester of Pregnancy

First trimester of pregnancy

Since finding out we were pregnant with baby #5, I’ve been feeling alllll the first trimester vibes!! Are you in your first trimester of pregnancy or know someone who is?!? If so, keep reading or pass this along! 

I’ve felt all the emotions since finding out we were pregnant last month and mostly I’m just so completely grateful that Heavenly Father trusts us enough to bring another precious baby into this world! ???⁣ This pregnancy, I want to share all the ups and downs along the way – showing other mamas-to-be they are not alone and that even through the roller coaster, we can stay healthy!!

We Planned Baby #5

For two years after Fynnlee we’d told everyone we were done having kids. I even gave away or donated all our big baby items to have some baby closure. But I kept feeling this feeling that someone was missing from our family and I couldn’t ignore it anymore. 

I started to pray about it and just had the strongest feeling that our family wasn’t quite complete. I was so nervous to tell JD cause he was doneeeeeeee. Like I’m surprised he didn’t make a secret appointment to get snipped…. done. But thankfully he hadn’t yet… and when we were at the Temple before COVID hit I figured I better tell him what I was feeling. ⁣

My stomach was in knots because I knew how he felt about having another babe and I started crying before I even got any words out. After finally telling him I think we might not be done, he sweetly said…… “Well I’ll be honest, I wanted to be done so I just hadn’t asked Heavenly Father cause I didn’t really wanna hear a different answer.”? ⁣So of course he prayed about it too and got the same feeling I did. ??⁣

My Top 4 Tips for Staying Healthy in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Ok so the first trimester is tough and lots of things are happening inside your body as you begin growing this little precious human. You’ll see a theme in these tips – embracing the changes vs. trying to avoid/fight them. 

1. Give yourself grace.

Your body is changing and it’s important that you do not shame, judge or deny your body what it needs. Embrace the changes of what this beautiful creation brings to your life. Your ‘norm’ will most likely need to shift a bit in this stage of the pregnancy and that’s ok. In fact, it’s essential to listen to your body and truly give it what it needs without an ounce of shame. 

2. Move your body.

And do it for self care, not to prevent the body changes that are coming. I see so many women wanting to stay fit or not gain too much weight during pregnancy that they workout just for that reason. Yes, it’s great to be conscious of your weight, but my advice is not to workout to control your weight. Workout/move your body so you can feel good connecting your body to your mind and spirit! Remember #1, you are embracing these body changes to create life. 

I recommend checking out the at home workout program designed specifically for expecting moms. It’s what I’ve been doing through my first trimester and I love it! You can try out the sample workout for free here. These prenatal workouts are giving me LIFE. I finish feeling so much gratitude for this phase. So empowered to continue making choices that are best for both me and little nugget. So rejuvenated. ⁣

first trimester of pregnancy

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3. Be mindful of Nutrition.

Yes, it’s important to eat healthy, but not at the expense of forcing yourself to eat something. As you know, the food aversions are REAL during the first trimester, so listen to your body! And remember, these food aversions are just a phase and you will get back to normal habits soon. Carbs have been my best friend the last month. And while my carbs started at toast or some cereal to settle my stomach, even some pizza and bean burritos were the only things I could stomach a few nights….. veggies and better carb options like oatmeal and fruits are replacing those sillier foods so just give yourself some time to adjust a bit and make the best choice you can with how you’re feeling. 

4. Rest more than normal.

Your body needs extra rest now more than ever, so set yourself up to have support to get that extra rest. This is sooo important! Take power naps and consider shifting your morning and nighttime routine to get more sleep and rest each day! Once the baby arrives, you are going to be glad you did! 

Final Thoughts…

I’ve gotten pretty good at embracing all aspects of pregnancy and really giving myself grace. Like I mentioned, sometimes that looks like shifting my routine to get some extra rest or eating the foods that settle my stomach instead of making me wanna throw up just looking at them. So I hope this helps you along your journey!! If you’d like to reach out to me personally, shoot me an email at [email protected]

Micah Folsom

Hi, I’m Micah!

Wife to a cattle rancher and homeschool mom to our 6 kids on our small farm in Southeast Idaho.

I’m a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values, letting our heart tugs pave the way for us to live out our fullest potential and be the light we’re meant to be.

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