Finding a New Normal While Staying Safe At Home

We are all starting to find our ‘new’ normal. Being at home without any plans has taken a bit to settle in to, don’t you agree?? But I am finding it to be a really nice ‘break’ from all the running around. It has given me some time to think more deeply about my priorities and what really matters most to me in my life. 

And what I always come back to is my family, my faith, my health and fulfilling my life’s purpose. If I can show up for those things every day, I know I am doing it right. And at the end of the day, I feel satisfied and fulfilled!

In order for me to make that happen I MUST have a solid morning routine. And I know… the typical feels of mornings are rushed, sleepy, drowsy, and overall not inspired. 

BUTTTTTT, we have an opportunity right now to re-learn our mornings and create a new normal for how we start our day!!

Right now, we have TIME, so there is no need to feel rushed anymore – we can create the PERFECT morning routine for ourselves. Think of this time as a foundational RESET for your life!!!

Today I am feeling extra grateful because I feel like I’ve been preparing for times like this. Because I have been working from home for years now, I had to learn a long time ago that a morning routine was EVERYTHING. If I didn’t take time for myself and my faith, I would have nothing to give to my family, the clients I serve or the women I mentor. When you take time for yourself each morning, to fill YOUR cup, you are able to pour into others!!!

So I want to share my best tips for creating your perfect morning routine…

  1. Start by taking some time to get clear on how you want your morning to look and feel. I would suggest finding a quiet space in your house with your journal. Close your eyes and just visualize what you would LOVE for your morning to be like. What morning routine would best set you up for a successful day ahead?
  2. Get clear on how much time you can give yourself in the morning. And don’t be afraid to commit to getting up a bit earlier. I promise it’s so worth it to get up before the rest of your household to take time for yourself.
  3. What activities are reasonable to fit into the amount of time you have for your morning? Try not to overload yourself with a ton of new morning rituals or activities! Start with 2 or 3 and see how that goes for a couple weeks. If you have time to add in more, you can!!
  4. Make a commitment to yourself that you are taking back your morning for X days. I suggest committing to at least 4 weeks, but you will know what works best for you. If you need a star chart to keep you motivated, make one for yourself! This can and needs to be fun in order for you to find success in finding a new normal!
  5. Share with your family that you have a new plan for your morning. Make sure your spouse/partner is on board and supportive. Let them know that this is something you need to fill YOUR cup so you can be the best version of yourself for the family during the day.
  6. Be flexible! Not every morning is the same. Kids may wake up early and interrupt your routine – roll with it! Include them in on what you are doing or use the time as extra bonding/cuddle time!
  7. Don’t give up before your commitment is up. Stick to your commitment girlfriend!!! You can DO THIS!!! And if after your X days is up and you decide this morning routine thing is not for you, then scrap it! At least you know you gave it the ole’ college try!!!

Here is a video I made called Master Your Mornings, if you are more of an audio/visual learner:

That video is part of my Simple Game Plan for busy moms e-course. It’s totally FREE too. So if you want access to the entire program, just go here to grab it below…

Micah Folsom

Hi, I’m Micah!

Wife to a cattle rancher and homeschool mom to our 6 kids on our small farm in Southeast Idaho.

I’m a huge believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values, letting our heart tugs pave the way for us to live out our fullest potential and be the light we’re meant to be.

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